New beginnings

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You and Jeongsan where getting discharged from the hospital.

Nurse: " Well Mrs. Jeon it was a pleasure of taking care of you and and son , stay well."

Y/n : " We will and thank you for everything."

You and your husband and your new born son left the hospital and got in your husband car.

Y/n : " You change your car?"

Jung-kook: " No, I got you a car . It's nice huh."

Y/n : "You got me a car!?"

Jungkook : " yes, and I also got us a new house and our sons nursery is all ready set up and everything is built."

Y/n : " Why did we get a new house?"

Jungkook: " I just thought we should have a fresh start and it was time for a new house to keep you safe."

Y/n : " Oh is it a pretty big house out in the country that I always wanted?"

Jungkook: " Maybe!?"

You didn't say anything else but looking out the window and back at your son you fell asleep holding jeongsan little hand.

1 hour later:

You woke up to the car stopping and seeing a beautiful house that was surrounded with trees and beautiful flowers

Jungkook opens the back door and helped you out of the car.

Y/n: " This is so beautiful babe."

Jungkook: " I had them built it before our marriage."

Y/n : " befo- how did you even know I wanted a house like this."

Jungkook: " I did my research on you ."

Y/n : " Research?"

Jungkook: " Come on let's get inside."

You and jungkook walked to the car and grab jeongsan out the car and grab our bags.

You walked up to the front door seeing guards everywhere.

Y/n: " This is the one thing I didn't want." You whispered.

You and your husband walked in and sat everything down and picked up jeongsan out of his car set and sat on the couch to relax for a little bit.

Jungkook came and sat next to you and watched you holding jeongsan.

Jungkook: " You are so beautiful."

You looked at him

Y/n: " That was so random?"

Jungkook: " it's true tho ."

After jungkook finished his sentence, jeongsan started to cry.

Y/n: " Oh , what's the matter baby , are you hungry?"

You started to pull down you shirt and unclipped your bra until your breast were showing.

Jungkook: " What are you doing?"

Y/n: " feeding are son?"

Jung-kook: " With your breast? , wow I'm jealous of my own son now."

You pulled jeongsan closer to your breast until he latched on you breast and you started to feed him.

Jungkook clearing his throat

Jungkook: " Ho- does it hurt? "

Y/n : " I mean it burned a little bit. "

Jungkook just stared at you breast feeding you son . He was so focused until jeongsan fell asleep and you unlatched him from you , burped him before putting him back in his car set.

You look back at jungkook.

Y/ n: " babe? , are you ok?!"  While putting you shirt on right

Jungkook: " So you are telling me that if I sucked your nipple that milk will come out. "

Y/n: " Well technical yes, but it just for your son, not for you."

Jungkook: " Not for me ? , I'm the one that put him in you the first place , and I own you so if I want to suck on you breast I can. "

Y/n : " Plz  , now I have to pay more attention to him instead of you now ."

Jungkook: " Say what now, umm no it always me first. "

Y/ n: " Why are you acting so childish. Love this is what happened when you have a baby he takes all the moms attention because he can't do anything for his self right now , ok. "

Jungkook: " but your husband need attention to."

Y/n : " yes I know ."

You picked you the carrier and looked for your sons new room

Jungkook: " let he help you babe."

Jungkook lead us to our sons room and sat him down and put him in his new bed .

Y/n : " He looks so peaceful . "

Jungkook: " yeah , come on let me show you our room."

He lead you to our room it down the hall from jeongsan room.

Y/ n : " Wow this is a beautiful room and look at the view so beautiful ( they have a big window in the room picture the trees and nature)."

Y/n: " I'm so tired , my body is drained."

Jungkook: " lay down and relax."

You laid down and relax until you fell asleep.

Hello everyone I was thinking of starting a new story about yoongi, and how he is a demon king and he falls in love with a half demon half human.
Plz comment if you think I should write it or if you guys have any questions. ❣️❣️

"My mafia husband"// jungkook ffWhere stories live. Discover now