My love

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You walked in the most luxurious hotel there is in South Korean.

Jungkook: " Baby, I'm going to go check in."

You walked around the hotel lobby surrounded with your guards and you see the fear in everybody's eyes . You love it so much, you loved the power you have , The fear in people's eyes you just smirked at your self.

Jungkook: " Babe the room is ready."

Y/n : " Oh ok." You smiled

But you still act innocent when it comes to jungkook.

You walk to your room and walked in the beautiful master suite.

Y/n: " Wow it's so beautiful baby."

You wrapped your arm around jungkook neck while he wraps his arm are you waist .

He chuckled while creasing your belly.

Jungkook: " Your belly is big now, it's crazy."

Y/n: " So you are calling me fat , Me the woman that is carrying your child , that went under cover for you while carrying a child."

Jungkook: " No it's not like that babe , it's just crazy that he got so big and I wasn't there to see him grow and I can't kiss you like I want to because your belly is in the way."

Y/n: " So my baby bump is stopping you from kissing me , babe I was away from you for at least 2 months , not seeing you , or kissing you , or maybe teasing you."

Jungkook: " Yeah I know babe I was to . And you know how hard it was and painful it was . And how I couldn't touch you , all I could do is think about you , and your fiancé touching you."

Y/n: " So your mad about my dead fiancé , jungkook I really don't want to fight with you right now.

Jungkook: " I know , I know baby , I'm tired and relieved that I have you with me."

Y/n: " Well let's just relax tonight."

Jungkook: " yes i will love that and I bet you will love getting off your feet. So why don't we take a shower together."

Y/n: " That sounds wonderful baby." You kissed him on the lips

Jungkook walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower to a warm temperature. He was the first one in the shower.

You walked in the bathroom very slowly trying not to make a sound . You slowly took off your clothes and quietly opened the shower door. His back was facing you , you wrapped your arm around his chest feeling all his muscles tighten up when you touch him.

Jungkook: " I missed this ."

Y/n: " Me to."

Jungkook: " I guess you missed my body more."

Y/n: " maybe, I'm basically a walking horn dog ."

Jungkook: " Oh my baby , But you have to say until this baby pops out and for 6 more weeks."

Y/n: " Don't remind me."

He kissed you pulling you under the warm water . He pulled away staring at you pushing your wet hair back.

Jungkook: " God your beautiful, how did I get so lucky."

You blushed and smiled at him

Y/n : " You better stop before I get turned on."

You finish your shower and wore jungkook oversized shirt and got in to bed and cuddled and talked . And he played with your hair until you feel asleep.

Jungkook: " Goodnight my love." He kissed your cheek


You woke up to your water break?????

Let's see what happens next chapter?

Hello everybody i want your input if I should continue this series after y/n has her baby or start a new series with another member , if you will comment plz and thank you ❣️.

"My mafia husband"// jungkook ffOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz