Jeon jeongsan!

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Jungkook: " how about Jeon Jeongsan?"

Y/n: " That sounds perfect."

Y/n: " You like that name baby , your name is Jeon Jeongsan ." Looking at your son.

You smiled and kissed your son's little hand

Jungkook: " He look just like you love."

Y/n: " No, he has your eyes your dimples ."

Jungkook: " Yes he has a few features like me but he has your lips , your messy wavy hair , your beautiful tan skin tone , he has your cute little nose."

Y/n: " Baby , he's the perfect mixture of the both of us."

Jungkook: " He is perfect, But babe I have to tell you something, and you might not like it."

???: " knock knock."

Y/n : " Yes come in."

Nurse: " Yes I'm here to take you son for a hearing test and to see how much he weighs."

You looked at jungkook.

He got up from the chair he was sitting in and walk to the door.

Jungkook: " Jimin, come here."

Jimin: " Yes boss ."

Jungkook: " I need you to go with the nurse, and don't let my son out your sight . Go!" He said in his stern voice.

The nurse and Jeongsan left with Jimin.

Jungkook closed the door right after them and came back to his chair and sat back down.

Y/n : " What is it you want to talk about?"

Jungkook: " Umm it's about Jeongsan taking over the business when he is older."

Y/n: " Taking over the business?"

Jungkook: " yeah , we have to be on the same page with this , because I don't want to have a big argument about this later when he gets older."

Y/n: " Why didn't you mention this when you where fucking me or before I got pregnant , or did it just never come to mind huh! Jungkook, that is my son he came out of me , I SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE FIRST ONE TO KNOW THIS BEFORE BEING HIM IN THIS TERRIBLE WORLD HE IS GOING TO LIVE IN.


???: " knock , knock "

Jungkook: " NOT NOW!"

Y/n: " you don't have to be rude to the nurse, Yes come in."

Nurse: " Hello sorry but Mrs. Jeon would you like to get up and walk for a little bit."

Jungkook: " No , she is fine right here. "

Y/n : " yes, I will love to get up and walk , it's to stuffy in here anyways."

Nurse: " Alright, so Mr. Jeon would you please come out side so we can get her up, your son is in the baby center if you want to go see him."

Jung kook walks out the room and look back at me for the last time before the door closed.

You let all your emotions out

Nurse: " Let's get you up mrs. Jeon , let's just focus on your health baby boy.

Y/n: " I'm sorry you have to see me like this , i wish he just talks to me with this stuff like I need to know this for my son.

Nurse: " Ik you are not the first mafia family I had to be with , but you will get through it just enjoy the time you have now with your son and your husband, it's very rare to have a husband like yours he really cares . The other mafia treat the women like crap . You have a good one."

Y/n : " Thank you , but I'm still mad at him. "

You start to get up and you felt all the pain and soreness you took little steps and made it to the door and opened it and see the boys and Jungkook sitting there.

Nurse: " Mr. Jeon would you like to walk with us to go see your son."

Jungkook: " Is that fine with you y/n."

Y/n: " Yeah I don't care."

You started to walk slowly with the nurse helping you.

Y/n: " Talk to me jungkook."

Jungkook: " I know what I said earlier , I should of told you before we found out we where pregnant .

Y/n: " I understand what you are saying but I just gave birth to him not even 24 hours and you brought this up."

Jungkook : " Yeah , I should of waited , are you still mad."

Y/n : " Yes I am , I will forgive you but I'm still not ok with my son being in the mafia world and how old does he have to start training huh?"

Jungkook: " umm 16? "

You stopped and look at him and was about to tell him something.

Nurse: " It's your sons feeding time, we have to go to the nurses station so they can help you."

So you and the nurse and jungkook walked to the nurses station/ nursery.

You sat down and they brought Jeongsan to you and they helped you feed him . They left you and jungkook by yourself.

Y/n: " So 16 years old , I have 16 years to make him pure and innocent , and when that 16 years are up you are going to make him cold hearted huh that what you want. ! "
Wiping your tears off your face. Holding your son close to your Chest.

Jungkook: " Babe he has to learn to be a mafia , and besides I bet when he turn 12 he is going to be talking about sex and girls. "


Jungkook: "  You are making me very mad and irritated right now. "

Y/n: " Jungkook I tried to be ok with just you in this world , just not for my son. I don't want him to think that the mafia world is all he gots.! "

Jungkook: " Love , he has me to protect him and he will learn to fight and keep you safe and he will learn to have a good heart because of you."

Y/n: " I'm still not ok with it , but he haves to.

You looked at jeongsan and grabbed his little hand and creased his head and kissed his forehead.

Jungkook: " We have a lot of time until he is 16 , let's just make it count alright love."

Y/n: " ok ."

Jungkook kissed you forehead.

"My mafia husband"// jungkook ffWhere stories live. Discover now