The unexpected.

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???: " Mrs. jeon , it's time to get up.."

You woke up to Susan ( your maid) sweet voice

Y/n: " Oh Mrs. Susan you startled me."

Mrs. Susan: " Mrs. Jeon , you know Mr. Jeon doesn't like it when you use my name."

Y/n: " Well he's not here , and I find it very disrespectful to call you "Maid" and plz call me y/n."

Mrs. Susan: " Your parents taught you well Mrs. jeon- I mean Mrs. y/n."

Y/n: " thank you mrs.Susan"

Mrs. Susan: " Well it time to get up and get ready it's already 2pm."

Y/n: " 2 PM-"

Mrs. Susan: " You must be tired from last night." She smirked as she closed my door

Y/n: " Where we really that loud , I feel so nauseous."

You got up and headed to the bathroom and took a quick shower and you heard  the door open.

You turned off the shower and opened the glass door.

Y/n: " What- why are you off work so early."

Jungkook: " I can't get off work early to come and see you. And I have a dress I want you to wear."

Y/n: "Oh- you picked out the dress."

Jungkook: " Yes and it's not that sexy."

Y/n: " Then show me the dress."


Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Y/n: " Oh wow it's beautiful love, we need you hurry and get ready the party is about to start in a hour

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Y/n: " Oh wow it's beautiful love, we need you hurry and get ready the party is about to start in a hour."

You and jungkook got dress, did your hair and put on some jewelry.

People started to show up jungkook was already down stairs well because he was the host.

You felt nauseous and light headed but you didn't really think about it.

You walk down stairs and see all the half naked women dancing on the men and the smell of cigarettes and the hard smell of alcohol.

Which made you more nauseous but you just walked to jungkook and sat next to him.

Y/n: " Hey babe."

Jungkook: " Hey love."

I not going to lie the party was boring and I didn't want to drink but the strippers kept on looking at jungkook which was making me annoyed but jungkook payed no attention he was to busy talking to the boys.

You watch as one of the strippers walk towards us she was about to get on jungkooks lap but I pushed her leg off and slide onto his lap and stared at her.

Y/n: " He doesn't need a lap dance, his lap seems pretty full."

Stripper: " plz he just uses you , come on daddy tell her you where with me .the day before your marriage You said she was just a toy."

You got up from his lap and pushed her out the way.

Stripper: " What a bitch ."

You stopped in your tracks , you where so angry at this moment you didn't care what you did. You walked up to her and punched her in the face.

Y/n: " How dare you call me that in my house, GET OUT, ALL OF YOU.

You walked to your room.

Jungkook pov

After y/n kicked everybody out I followed her to our room.

Jungkook: " y/n I can explain plz hear me out."

Y/n: " What jungkook , what is there to explain.
That you slept with another girl on our wedding day . Do you think that makes me feel good.

Jungkook: " Yes that is true but I was different, I was the cold mafia . But I changed I promise."

Y/n: " But at the beginning of out engagement I was a " new toy for you" huh? "

Jungkook: " yes , but I don't think like that know more , you are my wife, my world. Plz y/n."

Y/n : " Your the same cold heartless mafia since the beginning. I think I will sleep in the guest bedroom , so your other toys can come out and play."

Jungkook: " y/n plz , I can't sleep with out you."

Y/n: " yes, you can night jungkook."

Y/n pov:

You walked to the guest bedroom and plopped on the bed you where mentally tired . You got comfortable and slept.

I'm soooo sorry of how short and boring this is. Sorry!

"My mafia husband"// jungkook ffTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang