Chapter 11: The Date Pt 1

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(Before anything, yes, the picture is re-used)

Mina 1st Person

I was sitting in class, paying attention like a norma- Ha! Like that was true, I was actually texting Y/N, we were just exchanging memes, and stuff like that, and by the time we put our phones away, class had ended for the day, I met Y/N at the place we usually walk home together from, he seemed... nervous... to say the least, I was about to turn to go to my house when I was stopped by Y/N.

Y/N: "M-mina, uhm, could I a-ask you somrthing?"

Mina: "Of course!"

Y/N: "So... first, lets get this out there, I like you, I really really like you, you are just so adorable and I... i just really like you... and uh, I wanted to ask if you would go on a date with me..."

I kissed him, directly on the lips, and he kissed back, we only broke the kiss when we both needed air.

Mina: "Of course I'll go on a date with you Y/N, because I really like you too, what time is it?"

Y/N: "I was thinking about going to that new restaurant that just opened down the street, maybe at 7:00 PM on Friday?"

Mina: "That would be perfect"

I kissed him again, and then we went our separate ways, I'm pretty sure I could hear Y/N's aunt asking him hundreds of questions, hes told me a lot about her, so, I was probably hearing everything correct"
Y/N 1st Person
Oh yeah, and it's a time skip brought to you by Y/N being nervous around mina
It was Friday, and it was almost time for my date, I had some ripped jeans on with a F/C shirt on, and an O/C (Opposite Color) sweatshirt on, I left the house and ran over to mina's. Once I was there I knocked on the door, and once again, Mina's brother opened the door

Mark: "What's up Y/N?"

Y/N: "Nothin much, I'm just here to pick up mina so we can hang out"

Mark: "Ahh, let me go get her"

I waited for a second until I heard mark yell, then mina yell, until mina came to the door

Mina: "Sorry, my older brother can be a dick"

I immediately saw what she was wearing, she was wearing a black and pink crop-top and matching shorts.

Y/N: "Y-you ready to go?"

Mina: "Ready as ever!"

So we left, and soon, we arrived at the new restaurant that we had reservations at for our date.

I just want to start off with saying... THANK YOU FOR OVER 90 VIEWS LIKE WHAT THE HELL? It thought this would seriously get like 1 view. And now that it has over 90 is insane! Thank you so much for reading, I hope you are enjoying this story, I'm sorry for the short chapter, its 1:30 AM here and I am exhausted, anyways, I'll see you all in the next chapter, Peace!

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