Chapter 4: Quirk Assessment!

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Y/N 1st Person

I woke up and rushed to the bathroom, I took a shower, brushed my teeth, etc. When u was finished in the bathroom I threw on my uniform and rushed outside to catch the subway train, It took me a few minutes to get to the station, but I was on the train in a matter of seconds.
After the train ride
I got off and left the station, there it was, U.A. the most prestigious high school in all of Japan, I walked to the gate, showing the scanner my student ID and I walked inside, I looked around until I found class 1-A, I walked in, I was immediately greeted by everyone talking, I scanned the room and saw my best friend, Mina Ashido, I walked over to say hi, but found that she was already in conversation, not wanting to interrupt I found a seat in the back corner of the room, I sat there until a voice could be heard from the doorway

???: "If you're here to make friends, then you can pack up your stuff now... it took 8 seconds for you to shut up, rational students would be quiet faster"

Everyone looked at the doorway and saw a man in a yellow sleeping bag, he got up and unzipped the sleeping bag. He stepped out of it and walked into the classroom

Mr.Aizawa: "I am Shota Aizawa, I will be your homeroom teacher"

He held up a different uniform

Mr.Aizawa: "Put these on, and meet me at the field outside, hurry up"

He passed out all of the uniforms and I got up, went to the locker room, changed, and walked outside to see some other people walking towards the field, I decided to follow them and soon we were at the field where Mr. Aizawa was standing with his phone out.

Mr.Aizawa:"We will be taking a quirk assessment test..."

Students: "What? A quirk assessment test?"

Mr.Aizawa: "Katsuki Bakugo, what was your farthest softball throw without using your quirk?"

Bakugo: "67 meters I think"

Mr.Aizawa: "Now, try to throw it while using your quirk" he handed bakugo a softball, the blonde haired kid stepped into a circle on the ground

Bakugo: "DIE"

The blonde kid threw the ball, aizawa's phone beeped.

Mr.Aizawa: "765.2 meters.. this is the most rational way to test your quirk to the limits, there will be eight tests today to determine your potential, whoever had the lowest score has none and will be expelled immediately"

I looked to my left and saw a green haired boy looking very nervous, I patted him on the back.

Y/N: "I-I bet you wont get l-last, I s-saw you in the entrance exam live stream after I got home"

Midoryia: "Th-thanks, I'm izuku midoriya, what's your name"

Y/N: " Y/N kontorōrā, it's nice to m-meet you"

???: "But that's unfair! This is the first day! You cant send one of us home!"

Y/N: he turned to the girl, annoyed now "Do you think landslides are fair... or tsunamis that destroy everything in their paths, do you think the currency systems are fair? DO YOU THINK THAT THE PEOPLE GETTING BULLIED BECAUSE THEIR QUIRK WOULD FIT A VILLAINS IS FAIR? NOTHING IS FAIR, DO YOU HEAR ME? NOTHING IS FAIR"

I took deep breaths, the girl who had been outspoken started crying, I felt horrible so I sank to the ground, tears had already started falling down my face when I had started screaming, it was only a matter of time before I was helped off the ground by none other than Mr. Aizawa

Mr.Aizawa: "kontorōrā is right, nothing is fair, so, my choices are justified, now, we will start with the ball throw, kontorōrā, you start us off"

He gave me a ball and I walked tot eh circle, I made a very strong bat out of blood, I threw the ball in the air and hit it with the bat, Aizawa's phone beeped once the ball hit the ground

Mr. Aizawa: "794.7 meters, next"

I walked back to the crowd of students who were now trying to guess what my quirk was, I slunk out he back and sat down on the ground, I then fealt two hands cover my eyes

???: "Guess who!"

Y/N: "hello mina.."

I got up and looked at mina, I was clearly taller, a good 6 foot exactly, mina seemed to be 5'4 give or take a few.

Y/N: "I saw you talking earlier, what's up?"

Mina: "you should have gone over and said hi, I was beginning to think you weren't in this class until you exploded at Uraraka like that, you know shes pretty upset.."

Y/N: now annoyed "you know mina, I don't really care, this school is for the best of the best, and if she cant accept that this school isnt going to be fair then she should be the one to be expelled" I said in a harsh tone, now mocking uraraka " 'Expelling someone on the first day isnt faaaair' well, news flash, life isnt fair, take me for example, i was given this horrible quirk that caused me suffering not one of you can relate to! Other than maybe Midoriya, he seems to have history with that bakugo guy, whatever, Mina, I'm sorry for the harsh tone, but I'm not in the mood to deal with people whining over things not being fair!"

Mina: "Oh... well, If that's how you feel. I'll just go then..."

Y/N: "fine..." I realised what I said "n-no Mina, wait-" it was too late, she was already in her group of friends I looked up at the sky "I'm never going to be happy am i?"
After the Tests
I looked up to find myself in fifth on the leaderboard, and rikido Sato at the bottom

Mr. Aizawa: "Rikido sato... you will not be going home today, the whole expulsion factor was a lie to make you use your quirks to the best of your abilities, go change into your uniforms and go home, I'll see you all tomorrow"

All the students went to the locker rooms, changed, and gathered their things, I was about to leave when I saw mina, alone at her desk, i went to her

Y/N: "Mina, I'm sorry, i didnt mean to explode like that, i know i hurt one of your friends so i inadvertently hurt you, Mina you're my only friend..." tears started forming on the sides of my eyes, they fell down my face "p-please forgive me!" I was now full on crying

Mina: "Y/N... I know you didnt mean to explode, and it's good to know that you realise that it hurt me, but, I resist your adorable face, I never want to see you cry" mina hugged me

Y/N: "w-what did you say my f-face was?"

Mina: her face turning red "I dont know what you're talking about, come on, we've gotta get to our houses"

Mina released me from the hug and we walked together until we had to split up, we were relatively close to my house, close enough to be seen out of the window by a certain Aunt... once I got to my house I unlocked the door, and the first thing that I saw was my aunt, and the first thing that I heard was "who is that girl? Is she your girlfriend? Or is she just your friend?"

Y/N: my face turning bright red "c-come on,I'm too a-game to have a girlfriend, shes just my friend..."

A/N: "What's her name? Do you have a crush on her?"

Y/N: "WHAT, UHHHHH, NOO, I DONT HAVE A CRUSH ON HER, and her name is mina ashido, can I go to my room now? I'm exhausted."

A/N: "okay, well, you should invite her over some time"

Y/N: "AUNT A/N! Stop embarrassing me!"

I ran up to my room and changed into my pajamas, once I was done changing I threw my uniform in the washer, waited for about an hour and put it in the dryer, after that was done I hung it up in my room, and flopped onto my bed, quickly falling asleep.

Chapter 4 is here! And it is substantially longer than the other chapters, and I hope you enjoyed it, comment if you want longer chapters like this one, anyway, see you all in the next chapter, thanks for reading, Peace!

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