Chapter 6: YOU DID WHAT?!

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Mina 1st person

I was sitting in class, wondering where Y/N was, he was never late so something had to be up, suddenly he walks into the room, looking like hes seen a ghost, I walked up to him.

Mina: "Hey! Y/N what's up? You're here late and you look straight out of a horror movie! Are you okay?"

Y/N: nervous "U-uh... yeah.... I'm fine..."

Mina: "Y/N, I dont think you're telling the truth"

Y/N: "I-i dont know what you're talking about..."

Mina: "Y/N, just tell me"

Y/N: "I cant..."

Mina: "why?"


Mina: "Oh... I mean, I wont tell anyone...."

Y/N: "i-i guess I could tell you if you swear not to tell anyone, and if you do, I will have to go into hiding... just please dont freak out and hate me forever..."

Mina: "I would never hate you, not even if you were a villain"

Y/N: "You wouldnt be too far off with that...."

Mina: "WHAT?"

Y/N: "shhhhh, you'll gather attention..."

Mina: "what do you mean by I'm not too far off?"

Y/N: sighs "look, this guy with blue hair and a scarred face threatened to kill me if I didnt join his 'League of Villains' and I didnt want to die... so I took his offer..."


Y/N: "shhhhhhhh! I dont plan to act on it, look, it's just something that happened to me, and I cant do anything to change it, please dont hate me..."

After class
Y/N 1st person POV

I walked home alone today, at the stop sign where I usually split up with mina, I was alone, tears rolled down my face, out of nowhere my phone started ringing, I took it out of my pocket and answered

Y/N: "H-hello?"

Shigaraki: "Hey kid, this is Tomura, call me shigaraki though, anyway, meet me at the café at XxxxxXxxxx at 1:30, you'll be off school because it's the weekend, we can talk more there, bye."

Y/N: "B-bye..."

Shigaraki hung up, I continued to my house, i unlocked the door only to be greeted by my aunt once again.

A/N: "where was that girl? Who were you talking to?"

Y/N: "Mina is mad at me, and that was a friend..."

A/N: "Why is she mad at you?"

Y/N: "because I did something she didnt approve of..."

I pushed my aunt away and went up to my room, I did my nightly routine and flopped on my bed, I pulled out my phone because it buzzed, it was from mina
Text Messages

Pinky: hey, I'm sorry for overreacting, I know you'll do whatever you can to not help out with the villains

Y/N: thank you mina, I wouldnt have made that decision if I had a say in it.

Pinky: wanna hang out tomorrow, around 1:30?

Y/N: cant, I have plans

Pinky: oh, well, how about around 2:30?

Y/N: I'll see when I get done, bye mina

Pinky: Bye Y/N

I closed my phone and plugged it in. I then turned to my side and quickly dozed off to sleep, ready for the next day

Chapter 6 is here, I know its shorter, but hey, its longer than the last chapter, next chapter I can guarantee will be at least 1000 words long because of the crazy shit that's gonna go down, thank you all for reading, seriously, I looked up mina ashido X male reader, and this story was eighth, anyways, I'll see you in the next chapter, peace!

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