Chapter 5: Encounter

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(First, yes, the image is shigaraki, and that is for a reason, just read and you'll find out ;) )

Y/N 1st Person

I woke up, did my morning routine, put on my uniform and ran outside, I was running to the subway station when I felt four fingers on my shoulder, I turned around to see a man wearing a black hoodie, the hood was up, but I could easily tell that he had blue hair due to it being so long

???: "Why hello... Y/N"


???: "Shut it or I'll put down my thumb, and then you'll disintegrate..."

He let out a quiet maniacal laugh, I just shuttered

Shigaraki: "My name is Tomura Shigaraki, let's have a little chat, shall we?"

Y/N: "O-okay, uhm, w-what do you want with me?"

Shigaraki: "you've got a pretty powerful quirk, perfect for my group, now I know you go to U.A, and that's absolutely perfect. Now I'll give you two options, you join my group, or you die"

Y/N: "W-what is your group?"

Shigaraki: "we call ourselves... the league.... of villains..."

He let out another laugh, I shuttered

Y/N: "w-what would you need from m-me?"

Shigaraki: "only the dates of even you arent in class, but out training somewhere... discrete..."

Y/N: "F-fine, just, d-dont hurt me..."

Shigaraki: "Good... now, this is my phone number, get in contact with me once you have the information, and maybe, we can get to know each other..."

Y/N: "y-yes sir..."

I took the piece of paper he gave me and he let go of my shoulder

Shigaraki: "I'll see you around Y/N..."

And with that, I left, feeling utterly, terrified, I ran to the subway station, got on a train, made it to U.A, I was late, but at least I made it, I was scolded by a boy named Tenya Iita, he was clearly a very big rule freak, and wouldnt shut up for the next five minutes, I went over to my seat when he was done talking and waited for Aizawa to get there, because, you see, he wasnt there yet...

Sorry for the short chapter, but still, chapter 5 is here, will Y/N actually give shigaraki the info? FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON DRAGON BALL Z- sorry, anyways, see you in the next chapter, peace!

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