Chapter 7: Meetings

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Mina 1st Person

I woke up saturday morning, I was so exited to hang out with Y/N, I unplugged my phone and immediately opened my text messages, I clicked on Y/N's contact and sent him an image
Mina: Hey! I was thinking about where we should go to hang out, and I came up with the idea to go to that new coffee shop that just opened, I've heard it's really good!

Y/N: That would be awesome! See you then!

Mina: okay! Bye!
I was so exited, I got out of my bed, still in pajamas, I walked down the stairs and made myself some cereal, once it was ready I sat down at the table and started to eat.
Y/N 1st Person POV

I closed out of my messages with mina, just then I got a text message from shigaraki.

Shigaraki: we will meet at the new coffee shop, I will be wearing a black jacket with hands all over my body, apart from my face, you'll know me when you see me, dont be late.

Y/N: Yes sir

Shit. I was going to have to find a way to not be caught by mina, but I didnt want to die... I did my morning routine, I put on some F/C sweatpants, an all might T-shirt, and a black sweatshirt, I went into the kitchen, I fixed myself some eggs, and ate them once i was finished cooking them.
A few hours later
I was almost to the coffee shop, I was close enough to see shigaraki, I walked toward him and sat down in a chair opposite him.

Shigaraki: "Glad you could make it..."

Y/N: "Yeah, so what did you want to talk about?"

Shigaraki: "All the information you have gathered from U.A.

Y/N: "Well, I know we are going on a field trip to the USJ next week for rescue training, that's about it, also, if you decide to attack then, dont expect me to help you, I'm still under cover about this whole thing, even though I dont exactly want to do this, you still will probably want as much information as possible, so I dont recommend you blow my cover"

Shigaraki: "You know kid, you're a smart one, though I dont like that demanding tone, I still respect you..."

Shigaraki pulled down his hood to show a small smile on his face.

Y/N: "Thanks Mr.Shigaraki, is that enough information? Or does the league need more?"

Shigaraki: "Call me tomura, and, update me on as much information as you can get, we will really need it if we are to kill all might..."

I almost choked on my coffee.

Y/N: "I wasnt told about this, that kurogiri guy refused to say anything when I tried to get ahold of him"

Shigaraki: "I'll tell him to be nice to you, you have been very helpful, thank you Y/N, also, you have someone staring you down over there"

Shigaraki points behind me, I turn around and mina is staring daggers at me

Y/N: "Shit, I was supposed to meet with her here to hang out, time must have slipped past me, sorry tomura, maybe we can hang out or something tomorrow, ill see what information I can get you, I'll see you later, bye!"

Shigaraki: "Goodbye Y/N, I'll see you tomorrow..."

I got up with my coffee and went over to mina

Y/N: "So uhm, did you hear anything that we said? Or did you just watch me talk with my boss?"

Mina: "I heard everything...."

Y/N: "Mina I am so sorry, but, hes not actually as bad as he looks, hes actually really nice, plus, I havent told him anything important, because I dont know anything important!"

Mina: "you said you wouldnt associate with the league if you could help it, but it seemed like you were here deliberately..."

Y/N: "I'm sorry mina, can we just hang out now? I'm sorry..."

Mina: "fine, I'll forgive you, but you have to promise me you wont associate with them anymore"

Y/N: " I promise"

Mina: "good, now, what do you wanna do?"

Y/N: "I thought you had something planned"

Mina: "we could go see a movie"

Y/N: "that would be great"

Mina: "how about, IT?"

Y/N: "a-are you sure?"

Mina: "very"

Y/N: "o-ok then..."

Mina: "come on, let's go"

Mina and I went to give see the movie, let's just say I leapt into her arms a couple of times because I'm such a wuss, we both blushed at these times, both failing to hide out faces, but by the time the movie was over, I was trembling with fear

Mina: "that wa sa great movie, the best parts were when you got scared and jumped into my arms"

Y/N: "Why is that?"

Mina: "first of all, because you're adorable when you're scared, and second of all, because I got payback on you for associating with villains"

Y/N: "you know I cant do anything about that, I dont want to die..."

Mina: "alright, well, it's getting late. How about you walk me home"

Y/N: "O-ok"

I walked mina home, said hi to her parents and walked back to my house, my aunt wasnt there to ask me questions, so I just did my nightly routine, and plopped onto my bed, quickly falling asleep.

Chapter 7 is here and boy oh boy is it eventful in my opinion, will Y/N and Shigaraki become friends? And will it ruin Mina's relationship with Y/N? FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON DRAGON BALL Z- aight, anyways, thanks for reading, and I hope you're enjoying, see you all in the next chapter, peace!

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