Chapter 8: Rollercoaster Rampage

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(Dont question the title, just read on, the rampage has nothing to do with it, I just liked how it sounded)

Y/N 1st Person

I woke up at 9:13, and started my morning routine, once finished, I put on some casual clothes, a F/C hoodie, with 'Am I Supposed To Care?' written on it with big O/C (Opposite Color) Text, and a tshirt under that, with some black sweat pants, I walked down the stairs of my house and walked out, I was walking to somewhere i didnt know, but i made a trun and realize, for some reason, my body is taking my to mina's, WHYYYYYY, uuugh, this is going to be so awkward, what am I going to do? Before long I found myself right outside the front door, a rang the doorbell, it was Sunday so someone was bound to be home, and wouldnt you know it, someone actually was, they opened the door and for a second I thought it was mina because of their similar appearances, I was convinced it was mina for enough time for me to blurt out

Y/N: "h-hey mina, wou-" I realized that it wasnt mina "Uhhh, sorry, is Mina Ashido home?"

???: "Yeah, but first, what's your business with her?"

Y/N: "I'm her friend and I was going to ask if she wanted to go to the mall or something, because I have nothing to do and I just wanted to hang out with mina, seeing as shes my only friend...."

Mark: "Trust my sister to befriend someone the total opposite of her, I'm Mark, it's nice to meet you, I'll go get my sister"

Y/N: "Ok.."

Mark went back inside I heard yelling and about a minute later, mina opened the door in pajamas

Mina: "Oh hey Y/N, what brings you here?"

Y/N: "Oh I just was wondering if you wanted to go to the mall or something"

Mina: "I'd love to! Let me get ready first, you can come in and wait on the couch if youd like"

Y/N: "That would be amazing, as I am not a fan of the cold"

I went inside and sat down on the couch, I went on my phone, I started scrolling through Instagram and Twitter, until I got a text from Tomura, i opened it quickly, trying to not seem like I was hiding something, but, in fact, I was doing just that.
Shigaraki: "Do you have any news about anything new?"

Y/N: "No, but we could possibly meet Tomorrow after school, I might have some information then, I'll keep you updated.

Tomura: "alright, well, I've got some... business to attend to, I'll talk to you later Y/N"

Y/N: "Alright, I'll talk to you later Tomura"

Back to reality
I closed my phone, little did I know that mina was creeping up behind me, I let out a relieved sigh, and before I could do anything else...
I feel someone grab my shoulders...

Mina: "BOO"

Y/N: I jumped "EEEEEK"


Y/N: "Jeez Mina! Why!?"

Mina: "I dont know, just fealt like it, also, who were your texting"

Y/N: "M-my... cousin Tomura, yeah, we keep in touch a lot, I like to update him on things that are happening with my life"

Mina: "Hmmm, Okay, well, I'm ready to leave! How about you?"

Y/N: "I am ready as ever!"

I left with mina next to me, we talked about random things, once we got to the mall we shopped around a bit, I saw something that may be fun, so I told mina that I was going to the restroom and to meet me right here, so I walked toward the thing that I saw, which was also in the direction of the restroom, I looked back to see mina on her phone, I quickly bought tickets to a new amusement park that opened a few months ago, they were on sale, so I rushed back over, and we continued walking around and shopping, once we were outside to leave, I held up the tickets I bought.

Y/N: "So, remember how I went to the restroom out of nowhere"

Mina: "Yeah?"

Y/N: "well I didnt actually go there, I just bought these, they're tickets to the new amusement park that opened earlier and I thought you might want to come with me, soooo"

Mina: "Y/N.... I'd absolutely.... LOVE TO GO"

Y/N: "Alright! Let's go! We practically ran to the amusement park, once we got to the entrance, we showed a worker our tickets and walked Inside, mina immediately dragged me over to a roller coaster that went upside down.... three times... and needless to say, I was terrified.

Y/N: "A-are you sure this is the one you want to go on?"

Mina: "Yep! I've been waiting to go on this one for forever!"

Y/N: "O-okay..."

We waited int he line for a very short amount of time, the ride was fast, so it was over in about 30 seconds, once we, and a few other people, got into the seats, we buckled out seatbelts and the ride took off, I was terrified, so terrified that I didnt realise how I was clinging onto mina, and I stayed like that the entire ride, once the ride ended, i realized that i was clinging onto her and let go.

Y/N: blushing "S-sorry, I was fucking terrified..."

Mina: also blushing "I-its fine"

We got off the ride and rode some other rollercoasters, and won some games, we only left when the park was about to close, I walked mina home and we said our goodbyes, and I went home, where, per usual, my aunt bombarded me with questions.

A/N: "where were you? What were you doing?, were you with a girl? Was it your friend? What was her name again?"

Y/N: "Calm down with your questions, please, anyways, I was at the mall and an amusement park, hanging out with mina, shes my friend, so, yes, I was hanging out with mina, can I go to my room now?"

A/N: "Fine..."

I walked up the stairs, did my nightly routine and like usual, plopped on my bed, but this time, I just thought, I thought about all the things that happened today, and the last thing that I thought before drifting off to sleep, was......

Yep, I definitely have a crush on mina...

Hey guys! Sorry for the late update, I fell asleep because it was four in the morning and I was up all night reading fanfiction, yes, I know, I'm lazy, anyways, thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed, Peace!

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