Just Your Average Day

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Acorn Kingdom, New Mobotropolis

"Okay, fuzzy buddy... do you have visual?" A young male voice was heard through the walkie-talkie the young fox held in his hand.
He looked through the binoculars with his bright blue eyes, hiding far off behind thick brush. He slowly turned to look around the open green field, hunting for his target.

And there it was. An experimental defense mechanism gone rogue. The two had spent the entire day hunting it down, only to find it off guard in the meadows.

"I see it. About... thirty feet ahead of you." The young fox estimated, following it with the binoculars.

"Okay, get ready." The fox heard through the talkie again, as he saw the blue hedgehog creep over one of the hills. He slowly pivoted himself around to the back of the machine, and lunged forward.

"Now!" He yelled, as his super fast feet threw him forward at the machine. The young boy saw how the machine was startled, by the way it's optical sensors widened. The blue hedgehog leapt on top of the floating machine, and pinned it down with pure force. "C'mon Tails!" He yelled at the fox.

The young boy quickly threw down his binoculars and leapt to his feet. He then grabbed the side bag sitting next to him and slung it around his shoulder, running after the two.

"Yeah! Got you now you annoying hunk of junk!" The one known as The Hero of Mobius spoke in his usual cocky tone. With all his might, he pressed his weight down on the machine to keep it from slipping out from underneath him.

"Keep him there, Sonic! I'm coming!" Miles Prower—AKA Tails—chanted as he ran to his friend's aid. He reached into his side satchel, and pulled out a small device only a tech genius like himself would know how to use.

But Sonic began to lose grip of the robotic menace, as it started rolling and flopping around underneath him.

"Oh no." He briefly said, before the large round robot vertically spun around several times, before finally slamming him down to the ground. It then began to hover off further into the field, before Tails caught it by a piece of metal that angled from the back. He attempted to pull back on the angry machine, but it refused to be put down.

A small metallic arm retracted from a small port in the machine, and smacked Tails away from it. It hit him right in the cheek, causing him to unlatch his grip from the contraption.

While Tails swung and hit the ground, the robot spun around to face him. It's optical lens' squinted into an angry expression as it looked at its creator.

The front panel of the robot slid to the side, revealing a retracting cannon from its round chest.

As Tails recovered from the fall, he looked back up at the robot, and saw the powerful cannon begin to charge up. His eyes widened, as it was close to charging with its spinning barrel and bright red beam beginning to form.

But right as the cannon began to fire, Tails was then swooped away. He watched as the red beam fired directly through the field, burning a hole through the beautiful green scenery.

"I gotcha buddy." Sonic briefly spoke, tightly grasping on to Tails as he gained some distance from the rogue robot with his super speed. "Well... what's your next brilliant plan?" Tails sarcastically asked him, as Sonic skidded his feet to a stop.

"Hey, you're the smart one. Where's your plan?" Sonic sarcastically asked back. "My plan was to bring Nicole. But you said, oh we don't need Nicole, I'm Sonic baby!" Tails spoke back, as he made quote marks with his fingers. Sonic began to protest, but instead shyly rubbed the back of his neck.

Sonic: Rise of the Iron DominionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant