Elias Enters the Battle!

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Elias stood front a land center, the blade of his father held high into the air. Joining the side of the glowing king were the likes of Vector the Crocodile, Antoine, Rotor Walrus and the other certified members of the Knothole Freedom Fighters. And to Elias's left was Bunnie Rabbot, her arm cannon burning with smoke from the blast that just threw Naugus into next week. But the now freed protectors of the land weren't all he brought.

Behind him stood not only a new army of scrounged up citizens with homemade weapons, but they too were led to the castle walls by none other than Mina Mongoose, famed musician and now certified Freedom Fighter.

"No more tyranny!" Mina yelled, holding a steel pipe ahead of the group she gathered. The people behind her cheered and shouted in glee, just itching to thrust into battle and join their comrades.

"No way.." Tails spoke from the battlefield.

"It's Elias.. it's Elias!" Sonic's face grew from a tired expression, to a large ear to ear grin.

"The king has returned.." Amadeus himself spoke in awe, freezing in place.

The citizens of Mobius and the rest that had been fighting since the beginning had suddenly felt a jolt in their chests. A new spring in their steps. A glowing warm feeling had overcome them, bringing them something they had seemed to lose..


Naugus, now standing back to his feet with the help of his scepter, looked to the giant hole in anger.
"WHAT!" He screamed, slamming his fist against the wall of the castle. Looking at the new army, he not only noticed the rockstar and her makeshift armada, but the Freedom Fighters that he imprisoned over a week ago. That was, until his eyes finally rested on the leading man of the charge. His sworn enemy. The rightful heir to the throne. King Elias Acorn, son of Maximillian.

"Impossible..." He spoke to himself, unable to believe what he was seeing. He again launched himself in the air, slamming his feet to the ground where he had landed only seconds earlier. Elias's eyes left the great people of New Mobotropolis, locking directly with the evil wizard.

"Knothole Freedom Fighters!" Elias shouted over the roar of disbelieving gasps and shouts. The entire crown of people behind him stood ready, awaiting his command.

The very second he stepped forward, they knew just what to do.

"CHAAAAAAARRRGGEE!" He yelled at the top of his lungs. It was at that moment, the help that the fighting citizens so desperately prayed for had arrived. Following closely behind Elias, some even beside him, ran every single one of them into the battle.

"I'll handle Lightning," Espio briefly spoke to Sonic, knocking him from his daze. "You're needed elsewhere. Besides.." He said, watching as Lightning Lynx was beginning to move around and pick himself back up. He then calmly reached for his gloves, and pulled out his double ninja blades. "I've been looking forward to this for a long time." His bland expression didn't change, though Sonic could hear the excitement in his voice.

"Roger." Sonic quickly agreed, speeding off with what little energy he still had in the tank.

As Lightning brought himself back up from his knees, never once did he break eye contact away from his chameleon rival.
"You... TRAITOR!" Lightning screamed at Espio, his torn blue gloves balling up into fists. "The Dominion will have your head for this!" He yelled.

"It's time to end this, Lightning. Once and for all." Espio ignored the Lynx's verbal advancements, taking a battle ready stance with his double blades.
"I couldn't agree more." The evil Lynx spoke, again readying himself with his identical weaponry.

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