The Battle Begins: War for the Kingdom!

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He was in the best mood he thought could be possible. He'd made a deal long ago that after the Iron Queen took over the entirety of Mobius, the Kingdom of Acorn would be his realm to rule. Sure, in relation to her owning the world, it seemed like a small feat. But that was all he had asked for. He didn't care about ruling below the Iron Queen or becoming her second in command. No, he just wanted to overthrow the one man who had imprisoned him for so many years. And now that he finally had exactly that, he could just sit back and let the Iron Queen begin her conquering.

He'd sat on his fresh throne for the past hour, half asleep from boredom and watching programs from a foreign nation somewhere in Spagonia. Naugus didn't love much other than power, but he sure did love his soap operas. It was the way they would grip him with their pathetic emotion and love stories that would somehow hit him so close to home. Even though he has no relation to it whatsoever.

Iron Nicole had put up a holographic screen for him to watch on nearly a day ago, and he hadn't seen himself move from the chair for about just as long. "Hmm," he briefly spoke to himself. "Now I remember why I stopped watching these dreaded programs." He said with half shut eyes.

He had planned on finishing his episode, then perhaps a nap after. But he just had to know what happened to Gabriel on his show. Did the maid come clean about what she did? Or was Rosie finally going to find him trapped like he had predicted?
His head filled with small theories, but he knew he was only moments away from finding out the full truth—


The double doors to the throne room slammed against the walls, causing Naugus to fully awaken and jump in his seat.
"Your highness!" Geoffrey barged in. He didn't have the dry and annoying look on his face that Naugus was accustomed to seeing. No, his face was filled with urgency.
"What! What do you want, advisor!" Naugus replied back with an angered expression. More so due to the fact that he and his personal time were being interrupted so.. well, abruptly.

"My king, there's something you need to see!" Geoffrey huffed, trying his best to catch his breath. It was clear he had ran nearly the entirety of the kingdom to reach his king, though for what reason Naugus did not know.

He'd been annoyed with being interrupted, but he put that annoyance aside for the time being. If there was something that was troubling to even someone as little as Geoffrey, then maybe it was worth looking in to.

The king sighed, and finally stood up from his throne. Groaning in brief agony, he stretched out his muscles, feeling them tighten up after sitting in one place for so long.
"This better be good." He said with a slightly snarled.

Geoffrey had led Naugus to the surveillance room, where many of his Royal guards had been stationed at their usual positions. At the front of the room there was a large screen that could be switched to any and all live feeds from the security cameras. But upon walking in, Naugus immediately discovered why the skunk had brought him.

"What is the meaning of this—
The king stopped. Upon entered the room, he saw the one thing on the large monitor that he hated so strongly.

The annoying blue quickster.

Sonic stood at one of the far walls of kingdom jurisdiction. The beginning of the Acorn Forest had started closely behind him, showcasing the ever-growing surrounding of large trees that made up the woodland area. He stood completely still, with a sly smirk on the face. He then looked up directly at the camera, and stuck his tongue out in a taunting fashion.

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