Prologue: Rebirth

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Angel Island

It was happening. The day the Guardians knew was coming. The sole reason the floating island had upgraded its defenses, was in preparation for this day. Though, not even they were strong enough.

"Close the gate! Close the gate! They're coming!" The lead echidna guardian screamed to his followers. He along with many like him, prepared for the invasion force. Some stood ahead of the large gate with their spears and weapons ready, while others braced the top cat walks and towers with bow and arrows.

"The Master Emerald is being tightly guarded. No way they're getting past Knuckles." One of the readying soldiers spoke, drawing the attention of a dark maroon echidna. "The Master Emerald isn't what they're after, son." The older guardian shut the newbie down. "Then what are they here for..?" The confused young warrior questioned.

"Something far more sinister." The elder replied, as he flipped down his battle mask.

"We need to call the Acorn Kingdom for help! They could—

"They wouldn't make it in time. We're on our own here." Two others spoke to each other while standing on the catwalk, their bows ready to release at any second. "Where is Knuckles? He should be here!" The same echidna said in frustration while looking back into their camp behind the walls.

"He's on his way, Chief! He left his post at the Master Emerald half an hour ago. He has to be close."

The echidna race was one of strength and courage. Though, the one echidna known by all as Knuckles, sprinted as fast as he could, fueled by anticipation. "Gotta make it... gotta make it.." He huffed to himself, panting for air but refusing to stop. He had no weapon in hand, other than the fists he was so well known for.

On his long race to the Camp of guardian echidnas, he saw another of his kind quickly approach from the direction he was headed. He had paint on his face, revealing he was that of a highly ranked warrior.

"Master Knuckles," the exhausted echidna began to speak as he approached, "they.. they're—

"C'mon, spit it out!" Knuckles' impatience began to get the better of him. He placed his hand on the shoulder of the warrior who's hands were on his knees.

"Th—they're here!"

Destruction and madness could be heard further down the path, though it went unseen due to the thick fog in the air. They had been trained to fight in such environment, but this was no common enemy.

The mass chaos fell silent off in the distance. The only thing that could be heard, was the whistling wind. The Guardians stood ready, awaiting the attack they knew was imminent.

Not a single soul moved from their stance. They're coming.

Then, the ground began to shake. It would hit in brief waves, feeling as if something was repeatedly slamming against the ground. Off in the distance, the silhouette of a large object appeared in thick fog. It grew darker in color as it got closer.

It's feet stomped with each step it took, erupting the ground into a violent rumble.

Out of the fog stepped an oversized gorilla, decorated with a green military grade helmet and a bandolier around his shoulder. His big mallet-like hands were clenched into fists, as his speed began to build up.

"Hold your positions!" The guardian chief screamed, firmly planting his feet on the ground. Each of the warriors around the gate readied their weapons in attack position, anxious to see if the gorilla could penetrate the gate.

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