Dawn of the Iron Queen: Part 2

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Rosemary had been in full panic mode for the past hour. Amadeus hadn't been home to let her and her son know what was happening. Like most of the veteran freedom fighters, she too knew what the clouds meant. They brought back terrifying and haunting memories to her mind.

"Mom, can you please tell me what's happening? You're scaring me!" Tails had approached his terrified mother.
"Miles Prower, I told you to stay in the basement until I came down there!" She instantly scolded her child with a minimal heart attack. But in the midst of her overhearing voice, Tails had looked passed his mother's shoulder, seeing the unusual clouds.

"What is that?" He ignored the woman, squinting his eyes at the strange reddish-purple aura around the puffy clouds. Rosemary was about to yell at the boy in terror, but she knew nothing would come of it. He was about as hard headed as his father, so there was no point in trying to force him back downstairs.

".. You were too young to understand what was happening," The woman hesitantly spoke, staring at the dark sky as well. "About five years ago, a very, very evil woman did everything in her power to conquer all of Mobius, starting with the Dragon Kingdom. It had only taken her hours to overthrow the entire Egg Empire, controlling already nearly a quarter of the planet with her wicked powers." She began to tell the tale of the forbidden woman.
"That woman... was the Iron Queen." She frantically turned to look at the confused child.

"Within days, two thirds of Mobius had already belonged to her. It took the four clans, the entire team of Freedom Fighters, and King Max to put an end to her reign, losing too many souls to her torment. When the dust had settled and she'd realized her defeat, the woman disappeared. Nobody knew where she went, or what had happened to her. Mobotropolis had always known she'd return, but never knew when. And now, it looks like she's finally planned her comeback." The woman sighed, seeing the look of terror on Miles' face.

"But.. the four clans are now—

"Part of the Iron Dominion.." Tails finished his mother's sentence for her as his eyes widened. Goosebumps swiftly crept up and down the fox's spine in a matter of seconds.
"If only your father hadn't been so.. so.. foolish, as to let that pretender take the throne! None of this would have happened!" His mother's words were venomous, but true. She loved him dearly, but even Miles knew she spoke truth.

Before Tails had a moment to react, he and Rosemary had both seen the iconic blue blur dash pass by their living room window. Rosemary had rushed to the front door before the doorbell rang, unlocking each lock and swiftly swinging the door open. Sonic and Sally both stood there, though Sally's hair had seen.. better days. Before Sonic could open his mouth, he had to do a double take from the corner of his eye. He couldn't help it, her hair was just too distracting for the dimwitted hero.

"Rosemary, grab what you need. We've got to get you and Tails to our Freedom Fighter headquarters right away!" Sally was quick to speak after shooting Sonic the 'don't even say it' look. Tails began to run off to grab his backpack and start filling it, but his mother stopped him by placing her hand on his shoulder.

".. Please, take my son. But I cannot go with you." Her words stunned the three Freedom Fighters.
"What? Mom—what are you talking about? The house isn't safe for you!" Tails immediately protested for his mother's safety.
"Rosemary, with all due respect, I'm with Tails on this one. Being anywhere near the city isn't safe right now!—
"My place is here, Sonic. My husband may be...confused right now, but my place is still by his side. No matter what's going to happen I know he'll make sure I am taken care of and kept safe," she paused and looked to both Sally and Sonic. "But I also know that you'll do the same for Miles. So I'm asking you—no, I'm begging you—please, make sure my son is safe." Her voice began to fall.

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