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"I read your file, Lang," Murdock said.

They were in the observation room, watching the demon through the glass. "I know, this isn't the first time you've seen those types of injuries before. For that matter, I bet, you still see those deaths at night in your nightmares."

She bristled, dragging her attention away from the demon to face her boss. "I've been fully evaluated, Sir."

"As I said, I've studied your file." He leaned against the wall, his businesslike expression balanced by the compassion in his voice.
"Two years ago, your brother was murdered, the crime scene was free of blood. The TIA agency thought you were unfit to continue to perform in your duties and transferred you to Dallas."

"I know the circumstances, Sir. I was there."

"Lang, this new world isn't full of rainbows and magic unicorns. It's murky, gritty and it can also get you killed."

"I understand sir. I've known, since the night my brother was killed, that the person who butchered him, was something monstrous and inhuman." She frowned, suddenly, worried. "Sir. I can do this job."

"I do not doubt that you can. Lang, your brother was murdered by a vampire. Can you do your duties and seek justice rather than vengeance?"

She blinked, knowing that he had to ask her the question, but hated it nonetheless. She squad her shoulders, lengthened her spine, glared into his eyes. "I would never allow my personal history, too determine, with the way I perform, or for my emotions to screw, with the matter of Justice." She licked her dry lips. "If, you're so concerned, with my ability to do this job, then why, did you choose me?" She waited for an explanation, but none was offered.

"I've been monitoring you for a while, Kate. You have the kind of drive that we can use here at PSI. Consider that the answer to your question."

She followed him into the hallway, pleased at his confidence in her abilities.

"Any calls?" He asked Lena, not breaking his stride as he passed by her desk and turned right into his office.

"Nothing serious, Sir," she said. "I'll send the memos to your desk."

He grunted with an acknowledgment, then gestured for Kate to take a seat. He closed the door, then shocked her, when he took the seat next to her instead of sliding in behind his desk.

"Kate, you're human," he said, without bias.

"Yes," she said, confused. "I know."

"That itself can present a risk, in this job," he said, unnerving her even more.

She changed positions in her chair, using the movement to distract, her uneasy thoughts.
"A risk?"

"Vampires are unique creatures, even in our world." He picked up a pencil, then swirled it between his fingers as he talked. "Their life spans are vast. And that longevity has made the vampires relatively, powerful. A group, that has been around for a millennium, tends to achieve superiority."

She nodded, discerning his words, but still didn't understand, where the conversation was leading.

"They're exceptionally strong. Heal quickly, from most of their injuries. And the ridiculous stories about holy water and crosses immobilizing them, are just that--stories. Only a stake through the heart or decapitating a vampire will kill it. That's the part, the novelists managed to get right." He shifted in his chair. "Kate, I'm not trying to instruct you on how to kill a vampire. I just want you to understand, they have a keen knowledge, phenomenal speed, and psyche manipulation."

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