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"Someone who works at the Backtrack must know where Dagon is," Adam said to Boyd Vice, " Any lead, I want you following it."

"No problem." The huge vampire leaned back, the small chain creaking under the strain. They were in a small bar near PSI where Adam had gone after Kate had left to go home.

"PSI's got nothing, huh?"

"We don't have shit," Adam said, taking a sip of whiskey. "I'm going back to the crime scene. Try to follow up on his scent."

"Didn't PSI already try that?"

"The vamps on the team are at least a century younger than me," Adam said. "Their senses aren't as well-honed."

"Long shot," Vice said.

"At this point, even the long shots are worth following."

His friend stood. "I'll be in touch."

Adam started to stand but was startled by the sharp ring of his phone. He snatched it from the pocket of his jacket, hoping to see Kate's name on the caller ID. Instead, the phone identified the caller as Rhea Murdock.

"I need you back at headquarters," Murdock said. "We've got him."

He stood, upsetting the table in his haste, "Who?" Adam said.

"Who?" Murdock said. "Mills. He was brought in tonight for questioning."

Adam hid his small smile behind the shot glass. "I'm on my way, sir," he said.

Adam stared at the two-way glass that now separated Mills from him. In a minute, nothing would separate them, save a few feet of air across a narrow table.
"Did you arrest him for Mackey or Kirkland?" He felt almost dizzy with relief.

"He has not been charged, yet," Murdock said.

"You just said we've got him," Adam said. "We do or we don't?"

"He slipped up. At the cub tonight, Wayne heard him mentioned the girl being hanged.
That's not in the news. We did not release that information. And he knows the time frame. All that has been reported to the media is a female's body had been found. There is no way Mills could have know unless he did it. Or knows who did."

" Then arrest him."

"It's not enough. If we arrest him, he'll backtrack, say he guessed, was playing with us, and the bureau will tell us to cut him loose. We need evidence. Hard evidence. I have PSI agents searching his place as we speak."

"Has Clint been informed?" Adam asked.

"He has," Murdock said. "Video is running in the room. I want you to press him, get under his skin, and get more information out of him, enough for an arrest. Ready?"

Adam wasn't ready. He did not know if he could control the demon in him. Be careful, he warned himself.
He let out a breath. "Ready."

Vinegar, Adam thought as he entered the interrogation room of one table and two chairs, one chair empty across from the one in which Mills sat, his hands folded on the table, posture relaxed, chin up with a slight air of superiority; or at least an attempt at it.

The guy sticks as if he bathed in vinegar.

Mills' eye's followed Adam as Adam shut the door, the bolt finding its recess with a metallic clack.

"Special Agent Saleen entering the IR," Adam said for the recording.

Adam sat. His eyes met Mills' ebony eyes. Adam guessed one might see Mills' black eyes as menacing or mysterious. To Adam, they were as lifeless as a child's doll.

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