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Adam slid the Mustang to a
stop, hands clenched around the stirring wheel.

"Say it, if you must," Adam said. He knew what Clint was already going to say. That he'd behaved like a disgruntled bull, on a warpath this evening.

Hell, Adam probably, would have reacted the same, if, he'd been in Clint's position.

"Sorry, I was such an ass." Clint's eyes creased, "What?

"Are you done, acting like a girl?"

"Fuck off." Clint grabbed the door handle and pushed open his door. "Come on. The Vic's near the boat dock, right?"

Adam gave him a nod, killed the engine, then cut the headlights. After a moment he abandoned the car and met Clint by the hood, his footsteps making a squelching noise, as his boots strode over the saturated grass.

"Over there, " Clint said, pointing to an area about five hundred yards away glowing with halogen light and crawling with the Dallas forensics team.

"let me handle this one," Clint smirked.

"Not a chance," Adam said. "You know the rules, you can't just stroll in there, and wield your mind magic on those people."

"Lighten up, I was just teasing you dip shit," Clint picked up his pace. "Murdock said the girl went missing this morning right?"

"Yes," Adam said.

Clint sniffed the air, "But the time of death occurred, just before nightfall. Question is, how did our vamp get close enough to attack the girl in broad daylight?" Clint kept his voice professional and detached. "What if, the killer we're hunting, really isn't a vampire?"

One of Adam's brows lifted to Clint, "The responding officer on the scene tonight told headquarters, it looked like a sloppy rouge attack," Adam said. His gut twisted with anger, that this twisted monster, had more than likely, tormented the poor girl in broad daylight.

"None of this damn shit makes any sense. We both know, that a vampire wouldn't go prancing through the daisies, during the daylight hours, unless, they had a death wish.

Adam stayed silent. Lately, he'd heard the rumors, around Dallas about vampires, who walked during the daylight but just discounted them--as just that, rumors.

"Thin crowd tonight," Clint said, as they crested on a small hill.

Clint was right, a homicide scene usually drew out all the weirdos. And the remote location of a murder scene, usually, didn't keep the crowds away.

Adam glanced around the grass, for any evidence, that could have been hidden, from the human's weaker eyesight, as he walked towards the homicide scene.

Outside the police boundary, the onlookers and reporters nudged against the tape, hovering near the uniform officers, with their recorders in hand, asking them questions.

"You want me to get rid of them," Clint said, following Adam's gaze to the spectators. "I can send them all to six flags. Or perhaps, streaking down Galveston beach. They'll come back to their senses, in a few days and wonder what the hell happened. I can guarantee, people will snap photos, and post them on the Net.

"Tempting," Adam said, using his vamp juju right now, sounded pretty damn appealing.

They easily made their way past the clutch of reporters to the yellow police tape. Once there, Adam focused on the exhibition playing out in front of him.

The medical examiner was collecting his samples from the body, while another individual tested the victim's core temperature.

He eased left, following the police tape, until his line of sight shifted, and he had a full view of the victim's body.

THE HUNTOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora