So Close [Implied Whouffaldi, Thirteen x Clara Present]

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Enchanted, by all means, is one of my favorite movies. The innocence that emanates from the movie bleeds through the screen and into my heart. Whenever I want to feel such innocence, I turn back to that movie. As it is getting a sequel, I was inspired to look back at it and remembered the dance between Amy Adams and Patrick Dempsey.

The tension that screams volumes—it's what I wanted to make myself. I've basically done this concept over and over again, just under different circumstances. I apologize for the repetitiveness—there's something about it that gives me hope when all feels wrong.


Clara looked up to the artificial night sky of a copy-cat of Earth, the fancy ball becoming too stuffy for her to bear. It wasn't necessarily her first desire to be there, but when trouble called for her, she was there for it. In a normal circumstance, years past, maybe she would have joined the people inside in their jovial celebration. Maybe eat a bit of the extravagant food—if she had a sense of appetite.

Rather, she was there to stop something—whatever it was, the signal wasn't very clear—and finish up her final hurrah. Go to the Timelords, get back to the proper time. Face the raven with the Doctor looking at her as she fell. Do what was needed of her because she was an anomaly, something that wasn't meant to be living.

How could the Doctor live like this, in such a constant certainly was not satisfying. At first it was; seeming the galaxies beyond her reach. But she was alone after 100 years, with Me deciding that she needed a change of pace, seeing those wonders alone wasn't as entertaining. Yet Clara never had any companions, for she knew of the heartbreak that the Doctor had faced and she knew she probably couldn't handle it like he had done—especially if his reaction to her death could say anything about it.

Though, just because she was there on business, it didn't mean she couldn't enjoy the view. Even for just a small moment. Clara dusted off specks from her dress, sighing. She brought the glass of...whatever the bartender had offered her to her lips. Drinking had no effect on her, as did sleeping, breathing (though she did it out of habit), eating, and most things that made life seem tangible.

"This isn't what I was expecting when you told us to get our best suits in order. Usually our exploits aren't like this." Someone said dryly a few feet behind her. Clara turned, seeing a group of four examining their environment, each wearing tuxedos. The other three looked human and judging by their reaction, they had never been to Terra before and were more likely following the woman in the front's lead. Though the woman in front, despite looking human as well, didn't seem like this was new to her. Perhaps one of those aliens in meat suits? "This is a lot more human, isn't it?"

"Right, but I can afford to have nice things sometimes, Graham! Not everything has to be a perilous adventure. Welcome to Terra, gang! Essentially a copy-cat of Earth. We've landed at one of the most exquisite balls on the face of this planet." The blonde woman smiled, "Though just a few differences. Everyone here is an alien, that's one."

"It's quite...magnificent." The woman behind the blonde nodded, "It's like there's no air pollution at all in the sky; the stars are crystal clear."

"Terra did everything Earth wanted to do right." The blonde woman turned to her band of misfits, "Feel free to go around, enjoy the food; a lot of it is alright for the human body. I'm just here to check something, that's all. We were just lucky to come at a time during Terra's annual ball." So they were human.

"Checking something? Good or bad?" The final one in their group asked, crossing his arms. "A lot of the times that you decide to check something, it usually never goes well. Learned that already."

"I have to find out myself, Ryan. Now just enjoy yourselves and I'll let you know when things go wrong."

"You mean we'll find out anyway, even if you don't tell us." The other woman said. Graham and Ryan both chuckled at that and the blonde woman just shook her head.

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