Oh My God They Did The Nasty

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Alissa's pov ~

"So why did you bring me to the schools field that really needs to be cut?" I ask confused

"because I wanted to ask you something?" Sonny asks stepping closer to me

"would you like you go on a date tonight?" he asks me softly

"I mean I guess so I'll need to clear my schedule though" I sigh acted annoyed

"of course I do!" I say and hug him

"this is just going be a hug relationship" he laughs and hugs me back

"sorry" I laugh and give him a quick kiss

"so what are you going to do about Aria?" I ask him

"I don't know yet but I'll figure out something" he tells me

"okay" I say and hug him again and lean my head against his chest

I feel him plant a kiss on my head

"so you didn't tell Lana I rejected you? I ask him

"wait you told her" he asks and let's go of me

"no she just brought up that she thought you liked me and about the whole trampoline thing" I tell him with a reassuring smile

Then I scrunch up my face disgusted

"what's up now?" he asks confused but with a smile

"Kylie and Max tho" I say and we start walking

He laughs

"oh my god they did the nasty" I say awkwardly but with a little laugh

"I mean as long as they're happy but still" I laugh

We walk back inside and Sonny goes over to Lana and I walk over to Max

"hey" I say and wink at him

"not you to" he sighs

"so did the pictures print well" I say with a laugh

"look it just happened" he says and opens his locker

"Kylie is nice I will admit but did yous?" I ask him awkward

"did we what?" he says obviously enjoying the fact I'm not saying it

"yes we did and I'm not sharing details" he whispers

"oh my god max" I say smiling

"do you like her?" I ask him happy

"yeah I do but we don't work together" he says awkward

"tell her how you feel, trust me" I tell him with a smile

"I don't know it seems rushed" he says awkwardly

"hey" I say and cup his face

"you're my best friend and I'll always be here for you no matter who you like, girl, boy, enemy, friend, even Kylie do what you think is right I just want you to be happy" I smile

"thanks Alissa" he says and hugs me

When I got home I went upstairs and emptied my wardrobe and looked for an outift

And after spending ages on finding an outfit I finally found on

And after spending ages on finding an outfit I finally found on

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

After I put it on I curled my hair a bit and put makeup on

"Hey alis-" Zack says walking into the room but when he sees me he stops himself

"why are you dressed all fancy?" he asks me confused

"I'm going out on a date" I smile

"okay well have fun and if the guy is an ass I'll get the chainsaw" he says with a slight laugh

"okay" I laugh

After my brother leaves I finish getting ready and then I go downstairs

"bye" I say and walk out of the house

I walk along the street a bit and then I see Sonny

"hey" he smiles as I walk towards him

"you look gorgeous" he say and kisses me softly

"you don't look to bad yourself" I smile

"so do you want to grab something to eat?" he asks pointing behind him

"yeah I'm starving" I laugh and we walk towards the restaurant

We walk in and walk up to the desk

"hey table for two?" the lady asks us

"yes please" I say and me and Sonny walk over to the table

"so I know we just got here but after I have a surprise for you" he tells me as I open the menu

"I hate supsires" I sigh

"it's good, I promise" he laughs

"okay" I say and go to look at the menu again

A good while later I saw Sam and his friends walk in

"shoot Sam's here" I whisper over to Sonny

"and?" he asks confused

"if he sees us together he'll tell people" I tell him

"okay well I just go to the bathroom" he says and runs away

"oh my god hey Alissa, has your date not shown up?" he smirks

"he's here just parking his car" I say awkwardly

"and left you in here all alone, so rude" he says and puts his hand on his heart

"what do you want Sam?" I ask rolling my eyes

"for you to dump your date and come with me" he laughs

"I think your friends are walking away" I tell him

And he looks over to the door sees them walking away

"shoot" he says and goes to catch up with them

I wait for sonny to come back but he didn't so I sat the check on the table and went to the back door to find him

You Like Someone Else | Sonny Robertson Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang