Be Rye Beaumont!

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"okay last question" Sonny says to me and gives me some chocolate

"what have you always wanted to do?" he asks me with a smile

"shag" I say and chuckle and he rolls his eyes playfully

"I'm kidding I want to go to one of those places with trampolines" I tell him smiling

"you've never been to a trampoline Park?" he asks me shocked

"Nope, my mum thinks It's dangerous, my dad is at work and my brothers can't be arsed to take me" I say with a laugh

"what that's ridiculous!" he says to me shocked

"so you've never went on one trampoline in your life and your what seventeen" he says confused

"yes" I say awkwardly

"Al that's horrible" he says with a laugh

"I know" I say with a giggle

"I can't even look at you" he says trying to act serious

"wait is that a guitar?" I ask him getting distracted

"yes" he says looking at it then back at me

"can you sing something?" I ask him trying to give him puppy eyes

"Al" he sighs

"hey! Remember I'm the girl who hasn't been on a trampoline" I whine

"fine" he laughs and grabs his guitar

He end up playing and singing "It's You" by Ali Gatie

"Trust me, I've been broken before
Don't break me again
I am delicate
Please, don't break my heart
Trust me, I've been broken before" he sings

Its you it's always you, if I'm ever gon fall in love I know it's gon be you

"that was really good" I say to him with a smile

"it was okay" he says and I roll my eyes

Then my phone rings and I answer it

"hey mum" I say

"hey can you come home?" she asks me

"sure be there soon" I say and hang up

"I need to go home" I say getting of his bed with a small smile

"okay thanks for coming over Al, I mean it" he says with a slight chuckle

"no problem" I say and leave


Dinner was really quite usually me and Zack make Jokes and just have fun but we didn't say a word

"what's up with yous to?" My mum asks confused

"yeah yous are very quite" my dad chimes in

"I'm done" I say and go upstairs and lock myself in my room and lay down on my bed

Zack's pov ~

"what's wrong?" Mum asked me as I play with my food

"I just got mad at Ali for something that isn't her fault" I say quietly

"then apologise" Dad says to me with a supportive smile

"I don't think she wants to see me right now" I say with sigh

"I'm done" I add and go upstairs

Alissa's pov ~

I hear a knock on my door but ignored it

"Alissa can we talk" I hear Zack saying sounding hurt

I couldn't say anything, my brother lied to me and I can't accept that

"I'm so so sorry, I shouldn't have lied and you have every right to be mad at me" I hear him

I get of my bed and walk over to the door and unlock it and walk away about to let him in

"if you're dating Izzy that doesn't bother me just don't lie about it" I tell him with no emotion

"I'm really sorry, do you hate me?" he asks me

"no of course I don't" I say with a small smile

"give Iz a call she's worried" he says and leaves

Me and Zack have never been so silent with each other

I decided it would be best to call Izzy

Lana's pov ~

I was taking to Rye, Max and Sonny just about random things

Then Andy passes

"hey" I say and give him a wave

"hey Lana, sonny and Max" he says to us

Shit. Andy what are you doing?

"oh my god is it true!" these girls say running up to Rye

"is what true?" I try to ask them confused

"shut up slag" one says to me

"says you" I say and roll my eyes

"is what true?" Sonny tries to ask

Then I realise Aria was with that group of girls

"hey Sonny" she says smiling to him

"rye is it true that you're now official single after three years!" one says excited

"i-" he starts to say

"girls I heard that Ruby said your laughs were weird" Sonny tells them
Acting shocked

"what the fuck!" they say and run off

"thanks" Rye says to sonny

"See what I mean" Andy says to me

"Rye has every girl wrapped around her finger oh sorry in his bed" Andy glares at him and walks off

"woah what's happened to shy little Andy" Max asks confused

"he's hurt" I say and pull out my phone

"that's hurt?" Rye asks with a confused smirk

"yes I mean it's obvious he has liked you for ages-" I start to say but gte cut off

"what he's liked me for ages?" Rye says shocked

"yes it's pretty obvious" Max agrees

"how do I get him not to hate me?" He asks me

"Be Rye" I tell him and bit my lip smiling

"I am Rye" he says in a duh tone

"so be Rye Beaumont! Don't walk around all sad walk around not shutting up about your abs and tell those stupid jokes, flirt, Be you Hun! PREACH" I shout at the end

"Yeah that's Lana in her true form" Sonny says and I nod my head proudly

"you're right Lana" Rye says to me and takes his Jacket of and un tucks his shirt

"YESSSSS!!" I shout proudly as he walks away

"Lana my ears" Max says with a laugh

"sorry" I say with a laugh

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