Am I Supposed To Hit You Or Something

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👥FizzyIzzy: 452,513 ❤️Typical girl in a school library letting her bestie take a pic of her x

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

👥FizzyIzzy: 452,513 ❤️
Typical girl in a school library letting her bestie take a pic of her x


Alissa_brooke: That's me :)
FizzyIzzy: love u gorgeous ❤️

MaxXx: Literally a queen x
FizzyIzzy: love you Maxie 💙

Lana.belle: brooo you're so pretty 💞
FizzyIzzy: says u 😍

Zackduh: beautiful 💖
FizzyIzzy: thanks x

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"yeah but I would just just get it over with" I tell Izzy as I shove some of my work into my locker

"yeah but it she has a fear or needles" Izzy tells me and we start walking down the hall

"so the show is about a girl who is afraid of needles a but she-" I say to her but get cut off by Sam showing up

"hey Abbie is it I'm just Kidding Alissa" he says walking up to me with a smirk

"What?" I say to him fed up

"hey jerk" Izzy says sassy making him turn around

"she's not interested" Izzy says pissed off

"I think she's just playing hard to get" Sam says getting closer to me

Then someone pushes him out the road

"Leave her alone!" i look over and see rye mad

"you okay?" he asks me concerned

"yeah I'm fine" I say and hug into him and he hold me tight and I feel him plant a kiss on my head

I think my heart exploded

"what's wrong?" I hear a familiar voice say

It was Zack talking to Izzy

Rye let go of me and walked over to them and I wonder where Sam was and he was just standing at the other side of the hall with a smirk

"Sam was-" But before Rye could finish what he was saying Zack was walking extremely fast to the other side of the hall

So I followed him

"Alissa" I here rye say and I started walking away

"hey Zack" Sam says to him with a smirk

"don't ever touch my sister again or you're dead!" He shouts at him

"ooo I'm scared" Sam says sarcastically

Then Zack grabs him and pins him against the lockers

"now let's try this again" Zack says annoyed

"will you leave her alone" he says glaring at him

"yes yes!" he shouts

"Zack that's enough" I say to him scared

He let's go of him and walks away and I turn around to see him walking down the hall

Then I turn around and I see sonny right in front of me

"hey you alright? He asks me calmly

"y-yeah" I say to him with a sigh

"come with me" he says holding out his hand

"Sonny I'd don't-" I start to say trying to hold back tears

"no trust me" he says with a small smile and takes my hand

We walk down these stairs and then he gets out keys

"what's this room?" I ask him as he let's go of my hand to unlock the door

"I basically come here to chill and take my mind of things" he tells me and opens the door

"but we aren't going here" he says and opens the back door to a bunch of old things such as pots, old bricks, wood and other stuff

"Ew" I say disgusted

He slightly laughs and gives me a bat

"am I supposed to hit you or something" I say to him with a smirk

"no hit anything here that isn't alive" he tells me with a laugh

"okay" I say nervously

Skip a bit...

"so how was that?" he asks as he locks the door

"great" I say happy

"I'm glad" he says with a smile

"i-" he started to say but before he could finish I hugged him

"oh" he says a bit shocked but hugs back slighky

"what's this for?" he asks me confused

I let go of him

"just a thank you for making me feel better" I say with a smile

"well you're welcome, you can run back to your boyfriend now" he says with a smirk

"Who?" I ask him with a confused laugh

"Rye" he says and we walk up the stairs

"I'm- rye isn't-" I start to say to him and then he stands in front of me

"W-w-wait" he says trying to make it dramatic

"so all these flirting and kisses and he's still not asked you on a date?" he asks me shocked

"kisses?" I ask him confused

"oh come on Al, I saw yous to together as I'm pretty sure yous were Kissing near the pool" he tells me with smirk and my cheeks heat up

Wait he saw!

"I'm not mad just thought I'd tell you" he says to me

"well I got to go but I'll see you at my house at 4:30pm" he's says to me as he slowly starts walking away

"okay!" I shout to him and walk the other way

Thoughts? :)

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