Do You Want A Hoodie?

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Sonny's pov ~

We got back in our regular seats and then Lana tapped my shoulder

"Hey sonny you have a little friend" she tells me awkwardly

"what?" she says and then her eyes go down and then so do mine

"shut up" I whisper

"hey it's not your fault you can't help it" she says trying not to laugh

Alissa's pov ~

"so have you seen Zack?" I whisper to Ethan as the teacher still talks

"yeah him and Izzy are cute together" he says with a smile

"I know right, Izzy is my bestie I'm glad she's happy" I say

"has he asked her to be his girlfriend?" he asks me confused

"yeah he did not to long ago" I say with a big smile


After class me and Ethan went to the lunch hall as it was time for lunch

"come sit with me and my friends" I say and show him over to them

"thanks" he says and we sit down with them

"are you okay if he sits here" I ask them

Sitting with us was Izzy, Lana, Max and Sonny

"yeah" they all say

"so do y-" I start to say but stop myself as I grip on to the table

"girl problems" Izzy asks me confused

"nope I think I just have stomach pains" I tell her with a sigh

"do you have paracetamols?" Max asks me worried

"I do" Ethan says and goes in his back for some

"Thank you" I say as he hands me two

I grab my drink and wash them down

"you've been really quiet Sonny?" I say to him like a question

"just haven't felt like saying much" he says with a small smirk

"I mean it must be horrible without me talking to you" he says with a smirk and a laugh

"I mean I am holding back alot of tears" I say over dramatically

Then Lana whispers something to him

"I'm cold" I groan

"boo hoo" Sonny says to me and I was trying not to laugh

"I would give you my jumper but its not that clean" Ethan says to me sweet

"that's nice Ethan but you don't have to" I say smiling at him

"How's your stomach?" Max asks me with a smile

"I don't know" I tell him with a small smile

"Lana don't get me wrong your clothes are amazing but I'm cold" I say with a laugh

"this is why I respect her cause she's honest!" Lana says with a laugh and gives me a high five across the table

Then my phone starts ringing

"it's my mum" I say awkwardly and get out of my seat

I walk out into the hall and answer the call

"hey sweetie Bella and you're dad are needing me so I probably won't be home tonight, Lucas is working a night shift" she tells me sounding sorry

"that's fine mum" I tell her making sure she knows it's fine

"okay honey, got to go love you" she says

"love you, bye" I say and hang up

"Do you want a hoodie?" I hear someone say from right behind me

I turn around and it was Sonny

"what?" I ask him confused

"you said you were cold and I happen to have a hoodie" he says and walks over to his locker

He opens it and takes out a black zip up hoodie

"next time wear proper clothes" he says and practically throws it at me

"thanks" I say to him with a laugh

I put it on and zip it up

"the sleeves are long" I say laughing

"well roll them up and stop complaining" he's says with a sigh and smirks

"not like that don't make then look like donuts" he laughs and comes over to help me

He takes my hand and rolls up the sleeve then I feel myself fall to the side a bit but Sonny pulls me up

"woah hey don't pass out in the middle of the hall" he says and takes my other hand and starts rolling up the sleeve

"why do you care?" I ask him confused

"I'd just rather my friend didn't pass out in a hall, you know" he says with a smirk

"there the sleeves aren't long anymore" he says and let's go of my hand

"hey" Ethan says walking up with Max, Izzy and Lana

"ooo who's hoodie is that?" Max asks me a funny smirk

"it's Sonny's" Lana says giving Sonny a cheeky look

"aw sweet" Izzy says with a smile

"I need to go meet Rye for some stupid drama thing" Sonny says

So he turns around and walks a bit then come back

"also If you still feel like this later, go to the doctors" he tells me and starts to walk away

"AWWW CUTE!" Izzy and Lana shout

He just flips them of and continues to walk away

"he's so easy to wind up" Lana says laughing

"so how are you feeling?" Izzy asks me and puts a hand on my back

"I don't-better.....better" I lied putting on a fake smile

"are you sure? Max asks me concerned

"yes I'm fine" I say with a small laugh

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