"Sorry." I said quietly,

"It's fine, I know you're looking out for me." She sighed.

"Yeah." I agreed taking some popcorn from the bowl. We watched the rest of Star Wars and then decided to skip the horror movie.

"I don't feel like getting scared right now." Was Karens excuse.

After the chick flick was over, we just sat and talked. We talked about life, about boys. About Jared. About the shooting, and about how I "should get out more".

"I'm just not comfortable in situations like that." Was my defense.

"But it's fun." Karen said, begging me to come to the next party.

"It might be fun, but it's risky."

"And that makes it fun."

"Karen, I'm not going to go to a party, just because you say." I said, trying to be stubborn.

"Well, if you ever want to. Let me know, Jared and I would be happy to give you a ride."

"Okay." I said.

"One complaint I do have is the amount of times that he calls me every night. He's kind of annoying that way, but he just wants to talk to me. I think we've talked on the phone for probably four to five hours after school every night that we don't hang out in person."

"Oh, really? That's a lot of talking, why don't you run out of things to say?"

"He talks mostly." Karen looked confused and she started picking at the blanket again. "He can be dark sometimes, like twisted almost." She explained, "But I feel like I can help him when he's down. I want my love to make him better, to heal him."

"Love can't always heal the sick, Karen." I said, stating an outright fact. No matter how much you loved someone, that love may just not be enough.


Red hood is officially the greatest creep in the universe. He stormed a day care facility at the local gym and slashed the throats of innocent toddlers. He killed many and injured few, he still got away. He still frickin' got away, this angered all of Gotham. All of Gotham, especially the mothers and sisters. Women in general were keeping their children hostage in their homes. People went to drastic measures to ensure that their children were safe. Barricading their doors, setting up traps in their yard and such. My mother said, "If a madman decides to come into this house, we greet him as if he was a prince. That way, he'll be so freaked out that he won't see the point in killing a screwed up family." That was her excuse, knowing that she would actually freak out and act the way anyone would if their home was broken into. Dean didn't give two shits about what was happening, if school was called, he was happy. Karen continued to go out with Jared, she didn't talk to me for a while. I started to miss my best friend, my Mom started asking about how Karen was doing, and I found that I couldn't really answer her question. So I only shrugged and replied. "Good, I guess".

"Catrina, do you think you could find a place to stay this weekend?" My Mom asked.

"What for?"

"Your father and I are going to go out of town for a get away."

"Where are you going?"

"No where special, just down the road at the resort." She said, waving her hand dismissively.

"Sure, I can see what Karen is doing." I said, walking over to the phone. No one was home at Karen's house and I didn't bother leaving a message because I knew that I wouldn't get a response. "But what's Dean doing?" I asked, curious.

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