Elliott soon saw Kai waiting for them with a grim expression along with Freya and two more girls. One, Elliott knew was an Alpha wolf.

Clover Paddon was one of the few female Alphas and the leader of the wolves of Elan Academy. The girl beside her, on the other hand, was unknown. The thin, ginger girl with green eyes stared at the ground with a weirdly focused expression. She did not look up or acknowledge him and Elliott could hear her growl as he came closer.

Elliott could feel Silvergale growl back as she did not like the girl. It was something wrong with her. Clover leaned in and whispered something to the girl and she seemed to calm down. Even though she did not even blink.

"Freya, what are you doing here?" Elliott asked.

"Dumb as a box of rocks here said what was going on... With a bit of convincing," Freya said and flashed a fang as Kai muttered something when Freya pointed at him. Damn, it can't be easy being bullied by your childhood crush.

"We came as back up."

"I don't thi-"

"Don't think, we will not follow you inside. But if it goes south, we will not be far behind," Freya ensured.

"All fine by me, but pulling two little girls into the fight," Joshua said and frowned at the girl who hadn't moved.

"Oh, Clover is an Alpha so she will be fine and Millie... Well, she is a Beta but very special," Freya said with shrug.

A Beta...

Elliott decided not to argue since he fully expected that he will need to help.

"So how will this go down, bro?" Kai asked.

"You, me and Joshua enter the church. Convince Ronan to let go of Dale. We leave with Dale."

"Convince?" said Kai with a slow tone. His eyes gleaming dangerously.

"With force if necessary. Just try to not hurt the young ones too much. They don't have much choice in the matter," Elliott muttered and Kai cracked his knuckles with a grin. He was far too eager about kicking some ass.

"We are on the lookout, if I hear even a sound that I don't agree with, I will come in and wreck the place," said Freya and Elliott wanted to sigh. No wonder Kai liked her.

The three of them entered the church and were met by Ronan and his gangs. For once, Ronan looked surprised. He had apparently not expected them. At least not risk themselves for a Delta they did not even like.

Elliott perused the room and his gaze stopped at the pale Dale in the corner of the room. He refused to look at them and was unusually quiet. Most likely afraid to get attention from the pack. Ronan followed his gaze and frowned at Dale before turning to meet Elliott's determined eyes.

"How might I help you, Price?"

Kai cracked his knuckles and several of Ronan's pack members back away. Kai was rather infamous among lowlives. Ronan noticed and growled at Kai who just smirked.

"Cute," Kai said and flashed two far longer fangs. Elliott was just about to interrupt them when Joshua let out a deep growl that sends shivers through everyone that heard it.

That was no warning, that was a promise of pain.

Ronan looked over at Joshua. Elliott had thought that he would give him some snarky comment after beating him up last time, but unexpectantly, he looked cautious.

"I did not think I would see you again, Dufort."

"How could I not show my face after our last encounter? You called in the entire pack to take me down. When a man gives you such attention, you reply."

Primalcraft: Sins of Bygone days (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now