Chapter 24: Past Shadows

Start from the beginning

"The coffee is amazing here and it's also a place that holds student clubs and has exhibition rooms where there's yoga, dance, photography, and other various clubs at really good student prices," Arabella said,

"You are selling it to me, good job," I said with a wink and she laughed.

We were then taken back onto the main campus and into the Library Learning Centre. It was big and modern and white, which I'm saying a lot but there's not many other words to describe it with. There were plenty of comfy sofas, computers, tables with charging points so you could have your laptop and do work.

"The common room is another place you can come with friends to chill out, some clubs have activities held here, sometimes a group of students hold movie afternoons here on the projector..."

"And there is an old school popcorn machine" I interrupted, "Awesome," and everyone laughed.

The rest of the tour we went away from the Roesterseiland Campus and saw the sports and fitness centres, gyms, climbing room, they had a massive hall that was full of climbing walls and free walls. They had a dojo and a sauna and then a sports bar.

"This place is pretty cool, but UCLA is better," Harlun said and Zuri nodded, it was my turn to roll my eyes at them, but they didn't see me do it.

The plan was to have lunch and then we were going to sit in on a psychology lecture in the afternoon. We could start our presentations in tonight and then tomorrow we were attending two lectures and could stay on campus to work on our presentations for the following day.

But right now.


Arlo's POV

"I knew you weren't alright," Keane said to me as we came inside,

"I was fine, believe it or not, I didn't ask for this to happen to me," Angelo sat me down in the kitchen. I couldn't look at Keane because his face was going to make me cry.

"Tayte can you get a wet and dry towel please," Angelo asked, he nodded and went off,

  "Please look at me," Keane said softly,

"I can't bud, because you're going to break my heart," I said,

  "Pain wise bro?" Angelo asked, taking my blood pressure,


"From 1 to ten," Angelo then said,

"Do we have to do this?" I said, my voice was tired.

  "It's going to be a long night Arlo," Tayte said coming back with the towels,

"Just hold that on your head, not too much pressure, I don't want the glass to be lodged further into your head," Angelo said,

  "I'm too tired too," I said, Keane came over and held the towel,

"How did you get glass in your head?" Keane asked, as Angelo washed his hands and got out some gloves and scissors and other things from his bag,

  "Can you just let Angelo fix me up and then I will explain okay," I said, wiping the blood that had escaped and was about to dribble down my face. Before anyone could answer Joey and Talina came in.

Fucking great!

  "What's going on?" Joey said,

"Arlo darling what's happened?" Talina asked. I sank forward and put my head in my hands.

   "If you can just give us half an hour, I need to stitch him up and he needs to shower and then we will congregate in the sitting room and have a bit of a chat okay,"

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