Chapter 51

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“You bastard!” Adrien took off, chasing after Khalid through the town. His anger boiled and spewed over, his fingernails became claws as he leaped into the air. He reached his hand as he climbed higher into the sky, the angel’s feathered wings inches from him.

“Incarcerating me to the ground boy?” Khalid turned, his fist coming in full force into Adrien’s cheek. The redhead went down, crashing into the street below. Debris and a large dirt cloud rose up into the around the creator created by the impact.

Khalid landed on the ground. “Then let me incarcerate you to a living nightmare.”

Adrien laid in the creator dazed, hearing swords clash, flesh being sliced and screams and dense smoke suddenly filling the air.  Blood suddenly spilled into the hole splattering across his face, both black and red. He sat up, spitting out the blood that had passed his lips. The taste was savory, sweet and sour with the hit of iron and plasma, making his craving for it grow.

“Adrien!” A distant voice called out to him. Adrien looked up and stood, his eyes peeking at the town. Thick black and red blood soiled the streets, bodies lit aflame, people running and screaming. Adrien looked over to his left and to his horror, Richard and Agnés laid upon the ground wounded.

“Damn. . . .he’s fast.” Richard muttered, spitting out blood. “Adrien, you okay?”

The redhead nodded as he pulled himself out.

“Don’t give into the hunger Adrien, it’ll make you lose focus.” Agnés warned. “If Richard can move, he’ll be. . .ugr. . . .right behind you.”

“Wait—What? You’re encouraging him to go fight that nutcase?” Richard croaked, “Ow. . . .damn. . . .this hurts. Yeah. . .I’m not moving for a while.”

Agnés slowly got to his feet, using the wall to support himself. “He started it,” he gave Adrien stern look, “so if it’s his death wish to see that angel die, so be it. Maybe he’ll think next time before going on a blind rage.”

Adrien ducked his head then snapped his gaze down the street. A bloodcurdling scream filled the air, coming closer. There in the distance was a girl, bleeding from a shoulder, was running down the street.

Then suddenly she bursted into flames.

A pleased laughter soon took place as the girl screamed with agony. “Like what you see boy?”—Adrien ran over to her side as she fell—“To know you can’t save her?”—All he could do was watch in pain and horror as her skin melted in the flames—“Because if you tried, you would kill yourself in an instant.”—His anger burned as Khalid landed behind him—“Useless. What could your powers do to save her? You’re nothing but a small worm hiding in the dark. Your kind is hated by the light, scorned by the innocent. Vampires will never become heros, they’re only monsters.”

Adrien stood and turned to him. “Your right. I know nothing about light. Only darkness.” His eyes glowed purple and his pupils became slits, “For three years, I’ve been living in darkness, loved by it, hurt by it. I know your pain, what it is to live in darkness, be tainted by it”

“Shut it! You don’t know a damn thing. ‘Know my pain’. . .don’t make me laugh. You don’t know what I’ve been through.”

Adrien smirked, “And vice-versa, but I know what living in darkness is like.”

Khalid scowled, before conjuring a silver blade out of the blue. “You think that talking with stay my blade?”

Adrien chuckled. “No, and I grow weary of doing so. You see, my life was fine till my teen years, then the darkness controlled me, took my will; I was a doll for it to play with. Then I had a fateful encounter with the light and that light brought me out of it’s grasp”—a dark purple and black aura started to outline his body, dancing like a wave—“and now that I’m a vampire, the darkness no longer controls me; I control the darkness.”

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