Chapter 50

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There was nothing but cold darkness. No lights, no feelings, no sound, nothing. Adrien laid floating in that darkness, his eyes closed, his mind blank and quiet. His body was chilled to the bone and he laid there floating when a slight warm wind barely blew by.

Just barely.

Adrien opened his eyes and looked around the darkness. Whispers started to reach his ears about things he couldn’t make out, couldn’t understand. He took a breath and turned his head to the side.

Where two lustful blue eyes were starting at him. “Oh how I missed you, son.”

Adrien’s eyes widened with fear and quickly rolled over and started swimming through the darkness. Oh gods, he was back. The demon, the nightmares, they were coming back.

He should’ve just died. What an idiot idea to be turned into a vampire, now he had to live with this for entirety!

A hand grabbed his ankle and dragged him down. He flailed his arms around like a fish, trying to gab anything to help pulling him away from the monster. But there wasn’t nothing was there, just air. Down and down he went, deeper into his nightmare. His memories of those three years of hell flashing all around. The pain of his screams, and sound of his agony cries.

His father’s laughter.

The sound of a gun.

The sting of a whip against skin.

The death of his mother.

The blood. . . . .

Speaking of which. Adrien looked around as red started to creep into the hue of the darkness. He looked down as a sea of blood started to raise and—no, the hand was dragging him down into the blood!

“No! Let me go!” Adrien cried, trying kick the hand away with his free foot. The hand didn’t let go and whipped his body like a whip against a solid grey floor. Pain festered all over his body and his whimper went ignored.

“Now you’re all mine. . . .forever.” His father’s voice slithered through the air like poison snakes. A dark shadow casted over him and a hand slowly reached out to grab him.

Adrien curled up into a ball as blood started to fill his mouth. He opened his eyes and found himself now bitting into a stranger’s neck like an animal.

“That’s it, drink deeply in the crimson red.” Said his father as a dark hand came out of the blackness. Adrien went cold and tore himself away, whimpering in fear of what he became. A monster, a bloodsucking dead-living monster. He looked as the space around him. Many dead, naked, bleeding bodies slowly appeared and scattered around; some even twisted in unnatural ways the body shouldn’t be twisted. A head suddenly plopped in front of him, its eyes opened.

And blinking. It suddenly smiled with bloody red teeth. “Hey there kiddo, wanna drink? Today’s special is blood type AB.”

Adrien screamed and scrambled back. The hand started to descend down above him, casting its shadow. He stood and ran faster than he had ever ran before. Down the never-ending corridor, the hand chased after him. He breathed heavily until he suddenly tripped and skidded across the floor. He looked over his shoulder then curled into a ball as the hand loomed over.

“Shh, Adrien. It’s only a dream.” Coxed a voice.

The redhead looked up and the hand stopped its approach. A bright light shine brilliantly above him forcing the hand back into the shadows. Adrien’s eyes snapped open and he sat up, scared out of his wits.

A hand gently rubbed his back, “Shh Adrien, it was only a nightmare. You’re safe.”

Blinking, Adrien looked around the small white room he was in last night. So it was all a dream, he was still human. He turned, finding Sebastian kneeling beside the bed, and buried his head into the vampire’s chest. “He’s still alive.”

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