Rip looks back at him, clearly having none of it, as he gives Jax a simple shrug and I stifle a laugh.

"Okay, if you've got a set of wrenches, I'll see what I can do." he reluctantly agrees.

"What about the rest of us? Do we just sit?" Mick questions Rip.

"Capital idea, Mr. Rory-- you're not nearly as thick as most people say." Rip says taking off to another area.

"Thick, does that mean stupid?" he asks and this time, I can't hold back my laughter earning myself an intense glare from the arsonist. "I will burn you alive."


Sara and I are walking by, when we see Rip sitting at a desk deep in thought as he studies what seems to be a picture in a pocket watch. She nudges me, gesturing with a movement of her head that we should go talk to him.

"Is that your son? He looks like you." Sara speaks gently and Rip immediately shuts the pocket watch.

"Sorry, we totally just snuck up on you there." I apologize.

"I'd like to be alone for a moment." he says, not bothering to make eye contact with us.

"You don't actually have a plan, do you?" Sara asks leaning on the desk. "And that speech wasn't about convincing us, it was about convincing you." Sara observes and I tilt my head studying Rips expression.

"It didn't work, did it?" I ask.

"Not particularly, no-- hence my desire to be alone." Rip answers.

"So, we can't kill Savage." Sara says standing up.

"Oh, I see you've grasped the concept of immortality-- well done." Rip states his hopelessness evident in his tone.

"Maybe we could slow him down." Sara says and I turn to her raising an eyebrow. "Now, Ra's al Ghul taught me a thing or two about fighting adversaries." The fact that Ra's al Ghul is involved, makes me more hesitant as I tilt my head. "If you can't kill your enemy, weaken him. If you can't cut off his head, take his heart." I think I'm finally catching on to what Sara's thinking.

"Mr. al Ghul was quite the poet." Rip says not understanding Sara's point yet.

"Back at the weapons auction, Savage was trying to sell his nuke." Sara continues finally getting Rip to catch on.

"Money is power." Rip says turning around to face us.

"Take away Savage's fortune and he's just a regular dude, with a really long lifespan." I observe.

"It certainly would set his plan for world domination back a few decades." Rip says standing up excitedly.

"So Rip, ya know where Savage would keep his money in the 70's?" I ask smiling, ready to rob Savage of his fortune.


Sara, Rip and I all gather around the table in the bridge.

"Gideon! Where's Savage's money now?" Rip asks and Gideon pops up on the middle of the table.

"Dr. Boardman theorized that Savage entrusted it to the Brüemberg Group, the oldest bank in the world." Gideon answers. How fitting, the oldest man in the world uses the oldest bank in the world.

"I'll go tell the rest of the team." Sara says starting to head off but Rip stops her--

"That won't be necessary, I'm going alone. I can't have any more blood on my hands." Rip says.

"No way Rip, you'll get yourself killed." I argue.

"Look, I brought you all with me under false pretenses." he says walking towards us. "Carter would still be alive if I hadn't have convinced him to come."

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