"No, Adrianne," She cuts me off, blue eyes staring straight at me as a scorn hides behind her expressions. "He knows, doesn't he?" She arches an eyebrow. Does he? I didn't know. I wasn't sober enough to recall the faces that caught us that night, I just know we were fucked, and from there on all the other details were provided by Georgie. Nonetheless, there was no way Mr. Lawrence didn't get involved. "So let me fucking talk."

The room fell silent, the hum of the air conditioner from the vents getting louder now. "There weren't any drugs retrieved." He clarified, closing his log book and shoving it under his desk without any interest in writing any further. It was true anyway. Most of the coke and grass were in Georgie's backpack, which I took with me when I left the building and abandoned by the hospital when I was trying to open one of the windows. And it was still there. Unless someone went in again and took it, which is likely, so perhaps it's gone. There wouldn't be any drugs seen if they somehow saw the left over cocaine on the tables when we were doing lines.

"Yes, but you still let them slip because Sarah Holland's father came and paid you guys." She continued, the guidance counselor sitting frozen on the other side of the desk. He did know. Even if it wasn't that night in particular, he still knew. Sarah's father had bought us out more than enough times now that they became friends, and he knew how prevalent we are with scandals, and most certainly he was aware of the other things. Maybe even Georgie's history. "Technically that's illegal-- oh no, that's definitely illegal. I heard people lose their licence if they face such a case."

Mr. Lawrence collected himself, straightening his back against his seat and clasping his hands together on top of his desk, attempting to keep his cool. "It seems to me you're trying to blackmail an acclaimed guidance counselor, Ms. Shelley."

"Well it seems to me, that acclaimed guidance counselor is letting druggies walk around his school grounds because some rich girl's dad paid him." Ericka shrugged innocently, the same voice she used to get out of her fuck ups getting into my nerves even more this time. Her face was puffy, cheeks lined with cuts and her lip busted whilst her hair were in tangles, that I almost felt a hint of pity for her. But by some fucking miracle, she still managed to be herself, even after getting hit and right there and then, I knew she deserved it.

"Ms. Shelley--" He attempted to brush her off, tugging on the necktie holding together his shirt.

"So if you expel me, " She continued, "Or do anything to me for that matter, I'm going to have to spread your little secret and you can say bye to this school forever."

The nerve she had to talk the way she does. It was horrifyingly amazing, how much such a frail body and smooth face could say such vile words. I knew she was an expert at soiling students for her own entertainment and gain. I've seen it all unfold right in front of me, either about some unsuspecting person who didn't do anything wrong, or us. Always the same pattern. Nevertheless, I've never sighted her use her mouth against one of the highest authorities at school in front of my eyes before. Sure I've heard the rumours, but I thought she had her limits. Why would she let herself get seen in a bad light by the people who consistently dealt with her mess? They could end her in a snap of a finger, and she wouldn't even see it coming. However, like many other things, I was wrong again. She would do whatever it takes to put the blame on someone else, even if it means touching things she shouldn't. And that was why people have always been scared of her enough to kiss her ass.

The air in the room was thick and cold like the blizzard has entered through the vents, the entire school fading away in the background. Mr. Lawrence only looked at her, seemingly weighing in the consequences she was offering right there. This wasn't the first time she's done this, and it sure as hell won't be the last. What can he really do at this point? Ericka wasn't one to break a promise, not when it involved ruining someone else's life. She's done this so many times now, this was nothing. Eventually his face fell, rubbing his temples as he pushed himself away from the desk and gave himself space. "What do you want, Ericka?" He took a deep breath, rolling his eyes in irritation.

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