Brooklyn: That uh... Violet girl.

She sounds embarrassed. That's new.

You: Yeah?

Brooklyn: Um.. You know what, never mind.

You: Yeah alright.

That was weird.

You look at Clementine again. You want to go back to sleep, but you want her to sleep more comfortably. You carefully move her so she's lying down, and lay down next to her. You wrap your arm around her and pull her close. You're glad you didn't die, for this reason right her. You get to hold her again.


Clem's POV...

Lee: Hey, Sweet Pea.

I turn around and look up to see Lee. It brings a warm smile to my face. We're at Ericson's, in one of the rooms.

Me: Lee.

I limp over to him and hug him.

Lee: I'm still glad you made it through that.

He's referring to my leg.

Me: Yeah, me too.

Lee: If Y/N hadn't come around, I don't know what would have happened when the Walkers got in.

Me: Yeah.

We stop hugging and I step back to look at him. He looks at me with sympathy.

Lee: I know you're worried about him.

Me: I want to support him. He's just trying to keep me safe, but...

Lee: What?

Me: This is the fourth time he's almost died on me... It's always for me in some way.

Lee: Is that a good thing, or a bad thing, Clementine?

Me: I don't know... It makes me feel bad. One of these times, it'll be the last time... Then he's gone forever.

Lee: I wonder if he'd replace me in these dreams of yours.

Me: You would both be here, Lee. You're irreplaceable.

Lee: That's good. I'd finally get to meet him.

Me: Yeah...

Lee: I'd have to threaten him.

I laugh at him trying to be fatherly.

Me: He wouldn't even flinch.

Lee: That's what I've heard. Tough kid. But, he is replacing me.

Me: What?

Lee: You know where we're at?

Me: My room, at Ericson's.

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now