3.7 | Chance of Death

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Matthew hurried back to the flat he lived in as quickly as he could, bursting past the door and rushing to the living room. At his sudden entrance, everyone glanced at him with confusion. Chungha stood, strolling towards him as worry for her brother glinted in her eyes. "Matthew-"

"You're right, Hyung," He said, his voice thick and afraid, "the Earth is under danger."

Choruses of 'what' broke out from around the room, panic laced in their tones.

"A type of neutron star appeared out of nowhere and we're in its destruction zone," he explained, "it's a Magnetar, it has an extremely powerful magnetic field and it would be fine if it was just at the beginning of its lifespan but it isn't. By the end of the year, the magnetic force is going to almost triple and it's going to cause a starquake. And even though it's like, seven light years away, the burst would wipe out the Earth's ozone layer and basically, mass extinction."

Everyone in the room paled. Then Namjoon cleared his throat, "well then, thank you Matthew. We'll have to leave now and report back to our Principal, we'll update you guys about it when we've decided what to do. But for now, do not say a word about this to anyone. Not your boss, not NASA, not even the Government if it comes to that. Understood?"

"Yes, Hyung." Matthew gulped, shifting his weight from foot to foot.

Namjoon exhaled heavily and stood, reaching for Y/n's hand. She gave him a soft squeeze in comfort and waved to their relatives. "Don't worry about anything, we'll handle this. Stay safe, guys."

"Thank you, Noona, Hyungs," Hyunjin said, Yeji smiling weakly beside him. "See you guys soon?"

"Yea, see you."

They turned and headed out, Namjoon growing a portal back to Hecate as they approached the front door and stepping through. They trekked over to Scherri's office, stiff and silent. She allowed them in and called for the rest of the group to be pulled out from their activities. Once everyone gathered in the office, they recapped what Matthew had said to them.

"Is there no way that we can stop the Magnetar without anyone risking their lives?"

"No, no chance," Y/n mumbled, "Magnetars are a type of star but they are far from friendly. Speaking with them is out of the question, they just won't listen."

"But, then the only choice is..." Taehyung swallowed.

"Hyung, Noona," Jungkook's voice cracked, his eyes wide and pleading as he stared at them, "you won't - you can't -"

Seokjin pulled him into a hug, draping his arm over the younger's shoulders. "Shh, Kookie."

The weight of the mission was settling in the room, heavy and harsh. Scherri kept her eyes on the ground, dread filling her heart. Seokjin comforted Jungkook as best as he could, his own expression somber. Yoongi's face was blank, his mind running through the possible outcomes and his fists clenching with every horrendous ending. Hoseok looked lost, his features slack and his arms hanging limply by his side. Jimin was tearing up, his head down and hands held loosely in front of him. Taehyung stood with Yoongi, holding one of the older's hands and playing with it subconsciously. Jungkook had dismay written across his face, his eyebrows furrowed and lips pouted slightly.

"Are you sure about this?" Scherri asked, her voice as steady as she could manage.

Namjoon glanced at Y/n, who played with his hand as she stared at her lap. She nodded slowly, watching as he curled his hand around hers. "Yes," she said softly, "we're sure. Besides, I think we're the only beings in any of the Academies around the world that are capable of going near the Magnetar."

"Even so, the side effects of being that close to such a strong magnetic field are life-threatening," Yoongi said, his eyes lidded and voice deep, "reconsider your choice, we can always move to another planet farther away."

"We don't want to reconsider, Yoon. Moving every single being on this Earth will take too long, we don't have that time. The best thing to do is for us to go. It's better for two people to die than everyone disappearing."

"Plus, the chance of us dying is actually not that high," Namjoon added.

"It's still fucking there."

"Well, that's true."

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