1.6 | Three Goddesses

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They stared after the creature as it fell, turning to each other after a few moments and exchanging slightly relieved looks. "Everyone okay?" Y/n asked, looking around, "nobody hurt?"

"Not majorly," Jimin said, using the back of his hand to wipe away the blood that was starting to leak from a cut on his cheekbone. He glanced up, his eyes widening slightly when he saw Yoongi, "Hyung, are you okay?"

He lifted his head, nodding once he caught his words. "Just a busted lip, nothing too big," he answered, sighing before turning, "Alright then, shall we proceed?" He moved towards the marble stairs, taking even steps up while everyone followed behind him. After moments of groaning and complaining, they reached the entrance to the palace - a golden gate secured with a silver identifier right in the middle. Yoongi approached it, placing his thumb on the sensor while the identifier scanned his face.

"Tenebris. Min Yoongi. Welcome."

"Tenebris," Hoseok chuckled, "haven't heard that name in a long time."

"Of course you haven't," Yoongi pushed the gate open, his ear twitching at the loud creak it emitted. It hadn't been open for a very long time, "they only use my God name at formal occasions or when they're mad at me. They're like parents to me." He stared at the palace before him, exhaling a deep breath. Then, the large golden doors opened slightly, a heel-clad foot stepping out. A woman rounded the corner, her hair long and curly and her eyes big and round. She smiled when she saw Yoongi, walking towards him.

"Yoongi! You're here," she engulfed him in a giant hug, pulling back and examining his face, her eyes snagging on his lip before she scowled slightly, "what have you done now? You've gone and injured yourself again!" She pushed him in the direction of the palace, slapping the back of his head lightly much like a parent, "go to Hera, she's trying to play chess against Athena in the living room. Key word, trying." Then, she turned to the rest of the group with an angelic grin, "come on in, kids. You all must be hungry. Have you had dinner?"

They exchanged short glances of shock before they relaxed. Even after the many times of tem visiting Mount Olympus, they never get used to the duality of the Gods, especially the one in front of them; but they smiled anyway and followed her in.

"Take a seat," the woman said once they reached the living room, Hera and Athena glancing up from their game. Hera visibly brightened when she saw them, greeting them warmly and pausing her game with Athena. The latter Goddess gave them a small wave, sitting in her spot elegantly.

"My favourite group of beings, how are all of you?" Hera spotted Yoongi and immediately tsked, gesturing for him to sit next to her. She held her hand up and the door to a cabinet underneath the large television flew open, a box stuffed full of jars, bottles and bandages flying out and into the Goddess' hand. She opened the container and flicked through a couple of bottles, eventually pausing at one and pulling it out. She took a thin needle and a roll of thread, flicking the box onto the coffee table in front of her. She faced Yoongi, the needle in her hand as she threaded the string through, "ready? Yoongi?"

"It'll be nothing, get it over with, Aunt Hera," he grunted.

She smiled. Then she grabbed his chin roughly and stuck the needle through the skin of his wound, beginning to sew it back up. He hissed with the sudden piercing pain, his nose scrunching up for a second before he slowly relaxed.

Meanwhile, the rest of the group treated each others' wounds with their own first aid equipment since none of them had anything too big. Yoongi's injury was the only one that needed stitching. Theirs could be fixed with a simple bandage.

Namjoon sat facing Y/n, gently cleaning the scratches she achieved from the Hydra's teeth earlier with an antiseptic while she cleaned the cuts and bruises scattered around on his knuckles. Her legs overlapped his and they were resting against each other comfortably, her with her head leaning on his shoulder with his hand in her grasp, and him with his body taking the weight she was leaving to him and using his other hand to swipe at her wound softly. Once she was done with bandaging that hand, she let go of it and stayed perfectly still, even worrying Namjoon slightly that he had to nudge his cheek against her head to make sure she was still awake - or alive or that matter.

"You okay?" He asked quietly. She nodded wordlessly. "Tired?" She nodded again.

"So, you guys are tired, I hear?" The woman from before reappeared with a tray full of food, setting it down for them before straightening, "I'll get the guest bedrooms ready for all of you. Take a quick shower if you'd like, then head to the rooms and get some rest. We can talk tomorrow morning. Same arrangement, I assume?"

"Yes please," Yoongi said, his lip now stitched up, "thank you, Aunt Aphrodite."

"No problem, Yoongi. And Hera, don't forget the de-swelling mixture. His lip is swelling quite a little around the stitching and you don't want it to become a problem when we have to take it out," Aphrodite smiled, turning and heading off to prepare their rooms.

Familiarity | K.NJ ✔Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя