2.4 | Victoria Song's Motive

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The next afternoon, a lady with dark shoulder-length hair was escorted into the palace. She wore a blouse and trousers, looking abnormally formal as if she knew she was going to be taken here. The palace living hall was also set so it looked like a courtroom, only there were about ten seats for the judges and the seats were furnished with gold and marble swirls that made it look way more intimidating.

Y/n and Namjoon eyed her from where they sat in the room while the rest of them apart from Hoseok exchanged skeptical glances.

Victoria Song, a thousand year old Witch, looked no older than thirty-five.

"Damn, what's her skin care routine?" Seokjin muttered, squinting in the hopes of being able to see her clearly, "and where are my glasses?"

"Song Qian," Zeus's voice boomed out, "otherwise known as Victoria Song. You've been suspected of the moving of Gods into Oblivion. Do you have anything to say about this?"

Victoria smiled slightly, "I don't object to it. I am the one who have lured them into my threshold and cursed them."

"And why is this? What is your reason for it?"

Her gaze slowly traced over to Hoseok, who met her eye steadily. She stared at him for a second before looking back to Zeus, "As Hoseok has probably mentioned before, I think that the Goddesses should rule. The Gods are bad at making decisions for the world and in general and should step aside."

"Sorry Sunbaenim," Hoseok butted in, "but you took it too far this time. Talking shit about them was fine, but not if you actually kidnap them and throw the world out of order."

Zeus narrowed his eyes, "then, Victoria Song, you will be punishable by two ways. Death, or service to the Gods for five hundred years." Victoria smirked.

"Then kill me."

Zeus scowled and the rest of the group showed signs of confusion when she said that.

"I had and have no purpose in life. My only life goal is completed. Kill me, torture me, I don't care. I just do not want to help the Gods in any way, shape or form."

"Tough, aren't you?" Zeus sighed, gesturing for the guards to take her away, "lock her in a room. Kill her in the most painless way possible."

"Painless?" Yoongi chuckled, "I'm sitting right here, that goes against half of the purpose of me. And that's generous considering you love torture."

"Unfortunately, I don't have time for it," Zeus muttered, standing, "are you guys up for another mission?"

"Yea, definitely," Taehyung answered eagerly, "what is it?"

"Go to Oblivion and create a portal to take the Gods back. Try not to create any battles, but kill if needed. Athena will help out with the portal to get there, but getting back might need a combined power of all of you."

Jungkook frowned, "what does that mean? How does that work?"

"Athena will piece it together for you, I'm not sure about it either," Zeus said, turning and leaving as he called out, "good luck."


The next morning, they found Athena sitting in the living room that was transformed back to normal, reading a book as she sipped on a cup of black coffee. Once she heard them approaching, she put the book down and took the reading glasses perched on her nose off, looking at them, "I'm assuming you need me to help you to get to Oblivion?"

"Yeah," Jimin smiled sheepishly, "could you offer us some advice and open the portal?"

"And Zeus also said to get you to explain how to use our combined power because he isn't sure about it," Seokjin added.

"Well," she said, "basically, in order to combine powers with others is a difficult thing to do. You'll need to have a strong bond with each other and a deep understanding of each other's power. And Zeus wants you to use this way of getting out of Oblivion and not wait for Death because it is the fastest way, but probably the hardest. Only one group has successfully done this."

"But are we able to do that?" Jungkook asked.

"You guys have known each other for over a hundred years by now, of course the bond and understanding between all of you will be strong. That is probably why Zeus offered for you guys to take the reins instead of him. The Gods aren't as close as all of you, so it would have a lesser chance of working. And all of you have abilities that can contribute to breaking the barrier between Oblivion and the outer world, even if only for ten seconds."

"What do you mean?" Hoseok frowned.

"Your powers have a wide variety, all of you have very different abilities. Seokjin, Jimin and Taehyung can use their manipulation over light and pure objects to help pierce Oblivion's wall; Yoongi can use his Shadow Manipulation to help make their power more effective and push away the thick layer of darkness covering Oblivion; Hoseok can use his Mana Manipulation to tear the magic away from the barrier; Namjoon can use his Spatial Manipulation to open the portal with the space uncovered; Jungkook can use his enhanced senses to signal when the barrier is about to break so the portal isn't that overflowed with power that it sucks Oblivion into a black hole; and Y/n can enhance all of the effects from Seokjin, Yoongi, Taehyung, and Jimin since she has similar powers to them."

The group exchanged glances as Athena smiled.

"It's a perfect combination."

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