Chapter 16

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(Narrator POV)

Greenland clutched to Antarctica's hand as if it was the only thing keeping him alive, already regretting leaving so impulsively. There was no way he could ever go back home, which meant Greenland had just lost all of his belongings except for the clothes he was wearing. God, I really screwed up, how am I supposed to fucking do anything witho-

"Ren," Antarctica said, giving Greenland a reassuring smile, "It's gonna be okay,"

Greenland stared absently at Antarctica, wondering how he'd managed to get him, an adorable, loving, and utter bundle of sweetness, as a friend. 

"Thanks, Snowflake," Greenland smiled slightly, "You know earlier, did you, er cuss?"

"W-What?" Antarctica's cheeks flushed, "I um... y-yes..." he nearly squeaked,

"Pff," Greenland laughed at Antarctica's embarrassment, "Antarctica it's not a big deal,"

"L-Look we're here," Antarctica stopped in front of the same hotel they'd met in, "I hope you don't mind sharing a room,"

Greenland quickly pulled Antarctica in a hug, causing him to blush even harder.

"R-Ren did you hear me?" he stuttered,

"Hmm?" Greenland stepped back resting his hands on Antarctica's shoulders,

"Us... s-sharing.. a room..." by the time Antarctica finished talking his voice was no more than a whisper,

"W-what? You mean like- sleeping together, in the same bed?" Greenland asked, feeling his own face begin to heat up,

"No! I meant, there are two beds in the room," he said quickly, "A-and besides it's not like we haven't slept together before..."

"D-don't say it like that my god..." Greenland hissed through his teeth, noticing the short glances people were giving them, "Look let's just go inside before you say something else embarrassing..."

Antarctica rolled his eyes and went to the elevator, pressing the button for the 4th floor and walking to the room when the doors opened. 

"Okay, here it is," Antarctica smiled, holding the door open for Greenland,

"You make it sound as if this was supposed to be some five-star resort," he said, taking a seat on the bed furthest from the door,

"Well with you here it feels like it," he said, his face softening for a split second.

"God your such a cheesy idiot," Greenland mumbled, knowing he was probably blushing. Why do I have to be such a fucking blushy mess around him?

"Aww, you're so sweet, Ren," Antarctica sat down on the bed across from Greenland and pulled his phone from his jacket pocket, his attention becoming unraveled in the tiny screen. Sighing, Greenland moved further up on the bed and laid down facing the wall, away from Antarctica. So this is it, I really ran away this time, there's no going back. I didn't even get to talk to mom... Greenland shut his eyes tight, knowing crying again wouldn't do anything, not to mention the fact Antarctica was in the room. Another breakdown in front of him would be humiliating, and he was sure Antarctica was tired of having to worry about him all the time.

"Hey Greenland?" Antarctica said, breaking off Greenland's train of thought,

"Yeah..?" he mumbled,

"I'm really glad to be back with you," he lowered his voice, "I really missed you, a lot..."

Greenland was about to say something snarky in response but stopped himself. Antarctica didn't deserve to have the harsh bitterness Greenland felt to be lashed out on him. All he'd ever done is care for Greenland and show him compassion. Greenland sat up straight and turned towards his friend.

"I missed you too, Snowflake," he whispered, looking down at his hands to try and hide the fact he was blushing. Antarctica got up and hugged Greenland tightly, burying his face into his chest.

"I'd been so worried about you Ren," Antarctica's voice cracked into sobs, "I was so scared you were going to hurt yourself or even worse. You're my best friend Greenland and I love you so much please don't ever take your life."

Greenland stayed silent for a minute as Antarctica cried into his chest, only beginning to understand that he really did care about him, and wasn't using him for his gain. Hesitantly, Greenland scooted back further onto the bed and rested his back against the several pillows stacked at the top, holding Antarctica close in the process.

"I promise I won't go anywhere, as long as I have you Snowflake." he soothed as Antarctica's sobs slowed. I love you, the words rang through his head over and over again, Antarctica had told him he loved him. Is it possible he- No, that's stupid, he obviously meant in a friendship sense. Antarctica curled up closer against Greenland, his breathing began to slow after a few minutes which led to Greenland assuming he was asleep. He gently stroked Antarctica's back but stopped when the realization that Antarctica was on top of him hit. Fuck, Greenland looked at the clock on the nightstand that read 8:37 pm and sighed, This is gonna be a long night...

When Antarctica woke up, the thing he least expected was to be in Greenland's arms, or just, near Greenland in general. A light blush dawned Antarctica's face as noticed how closely pressed their bodies were to each other. Why does it matter? Why does my heart feel like it's about to explode? Small fragments of companionship that Antarctica had seen came to mind, simple memories he'd seen of couples randomly, the connection instantly clicking. At first, his mind became a running mess of Oh my god I like Greenland, Though all too soon the revelation changed to Antarctica doubting himself, Would Greenland even ever consider liking me? Does he even like guys? And several other questions Antarctica had that couldn't be answered, along with the crippling guilt of even liking Greenland, especially when he's hurting still. Ughh why does this have to be so complicated, I've never even liked anyone before, and of course, my first... crush.. had to be my best friend that's probably straight. Antarctica hopelessly stared up at the ceiling, I'll just have to push these feelings away, and it'll be as if they never existed. It's... for the best... even though I don't necessarily want to push them away. Antarctica cuddled closer to Greenland, knowing that when he woke up he'd probably push him away.

"Antarctica?" Greenland's voice caused Antarctica to jump a little,

"G-Greenland?" Antarctica stammered sitting up as Greenland did the same,

"I hope you don't mind that I moved you under the blankets, you fell asleep and..." he trailed off,

"T-Thank you," Antarctica said, his breathing speeding up,

"Is, something wrong Snowflake?" Greenland asked, genuine concern on his face,

"I-I'm fine," he gave his best smile, This is gonna be a lot harder then I thought

(A/N: There's probably a ton of mistakes, its nearly 5 am and as of writing this I am heavily sleep-deprived, so as always, not proof read. This chapter was basically just them being gay idiots,, I don't know how else to explain it. Anyways, have a good day/night!!)

Icebreaker [Greentica]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora