Chapter 12

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(Narrator POV)

Greenland scowled as his phone died. It was early in the morning and he hadn't slept at all after staying up till 1 am watching movies with Antarctica, who was now asleep with his head resting on Greenland's lap. The fire was starting to burn out, leaving the room cold. Antarctica mumbled in his sleep, Greenland smiled, gently rubbing the country's back. I can sleep later today...


"I can't believe you stayed up all night Ren!" Antarctica muttered, tightening his goggles. Greenland wished Antarctica hadn't worn them, he'd gotten used to being able to see Antarctica's eyes clearly.

"I didn't expect us to be going outside so early..." Greenland shrugged. After Antarctica had woken up, he'd made breakfast and told Greenland that he wanted to take him somewhere. Apparently this 'somewhere' wasn't near Antarctica's house as the two had been walking in the frigid air for about five minutes. And to Greenland, who was extremely sleep-deprived, five minutes was way too long. "Where are we going anyway..."

"There." Antarctica pointed towards a group of penguins not too far off. There were tons of them, all gathered together in one area, "We can't get too close. I'm pretty sure they're emporer penguins and its the incubation period right now, which means if we get close it'll trigger their fear-eliciting stimulus causing them to-"

"Snowflake I have no idea what you're saying." Greenland sighed, cutting Antarctica off,

"It's incubation period for emporer penguins, so if we get close, their fear-eliciting stimulus will get triggered, leading to them being belligerent," Antarctica repeated more slowly,

"I meant-" I'm too tired for this... "Your using words I don't understand..."

"What do you mean? I'm just saying how it is." Antarctica gave Greenland a confused look, 

"Not everyone has read dozens of books on penguins."

"Actually I read books on bird beha-"

"Antarctica." Greenland put his hands in his pockets, "I just need you to explain what you said as simply as possible."

Antarctica paused, feeling a bit embarrassed, "They're... um, protecting their eggs which... means they'll attack us if we get close?" 

"Thank you..." Greenland whispered, closing his eye and taking a deep breath before laughing a bit,


"You." Greenland smiled at Antarctica, causing the country's heart to race.

"W-well come on we don't have all day." Antarctica grabbed Greenland's arm and brought him closer to the penguins. Watching them wasn't quite that interesting since the penguins were basically doing nothing. Tiredly, Greenland leaned on Antarctica, throwing the small country off balance. In a panic, Antarctica grabbed onto Greenland for support, causing them both to fall. Greenland hazily opened his eye, a deep blush spreading across his face, seeing Antarctica giggling beneath him. 

"Look what you did silly," Antarctica smiled, suppressing his laughter. Greenland quickly got up regaining his composure, if he wasn't awake before he certainly was now. Antarctica sat up smiling, noticing the blush on Greenland's face, "You know, you're looking a bit redder than usual Ren,"

"Shut up..." Greenland turned away, willing himself to stop blushing,

"Aww okay," Antarctica crossed his legs, watching the penguins. A few minutes passed, Greenland shrugged and sat down next to the country, nearly falling asleep as he felt something hit him. He looked over to see Antarctica smirking, a snowball in his hand.

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