Chapter 10

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(A/N: I'm terribly sorry for all the time skips. I was having writers block the entirety of this chapter and really struggled writing it. Sorry ;-; Also haha, my stupid self accidentally published this before it was done. Again.)

(Narrator POV)

"We're about there," Canada announced,

"I can't wait! Ame always talked about you guys camping here." Ukraine enthused,

"Ame did?" Canada said, sounding surprised. Ukraine nodded, looking behind him,

"Are you guys awake?" he asked,

"I am," Greenland muttered, Antarctica still asleep on him,

"Aww," Ukraine giggled, 

"Oh shut up." Greenland pulled his hat further down on his face,

"You should probably wake him up, I just need to park and we can get out," Canada said,

"Yeah," he muttered, "Snowflake," Greenland whispered, gently nudging the country. Antarctica mumbled, sitting up straight and rubbing his eyes. 

"Where are we?" he murmured, hazily looking around,

"We're camping idiot." Greenland rolled his eye,

"Right!" Antarctica quickly shuffled out of the larger country's grasp, leaving a small ache in Greenland's chest, "What can I do to help set up?"

(Time Skip)

(Greenland's POV)

I sighed staring out at the open night sky. I wasn't use to spending so much time around people, my days having used to consist of just lying in bed doing nothing. If Antarctica hadn't come into my life, things would've been a lot different... What am I going to do about you? I plucked a dandelion from the ground, pulling my knees closer to me Like it matters, I've only been problematic to him. Everyone was already asleep back at camp. Those three idiots had spent the day running around playing games as if they were five. Why did I even come?

(Large Time Skip)

(Narrator POV)

It'd been a few days since the camping trip with Canada and Ukraine. Antarctica and Greenland spent their days lingering about, spending time together.
Greenland sighed, Antarctica was on his stomach laying down on the bed, deeply focused on Greenland's cellphone. He'd become obsessed with a game Greenland showed him a few hours ago, playing it non-stop.

"Okay, that's enough for you." Greenland grabbed the phone from him,

"What? Oh come on Ren, I was just about to beat level seventy-eight." Antarctica complained, turning around to face him,

"It's been three hours Snowflake, that's not healthy." Greenland plugged his phone in, setting it on the nightstand,

"Renn," Antarctica frowned, "I won't be able to play it when we're at my house."

"Ahuh..." Greenland said, crossing his arms, "And why is that?"

"Because I don't have internet at my house. Just cell service." 

"Oh." The country blinked, That explains a lot.

"So can I please have it back..?" 

"No." Greenland said, 


"L-Look you can have my phone the entire car ride to the airport." Greenland mumbled, Antarctica's frown changing into a smile,

"Thanks Ren!" he smiled,


"I can't wait for tomorrow, I've never had someone over at my house before! I'll finally be able to start cooking again. Oh! And I can make you cookies and all kinds of sweets! I'll get to show you the penguins.." Antarctica rambled,

"You sure are excited about this." Greenland couldn't help but smile at the country's joy,

"Of course I'm excited to have my best friend over." Antarctica bubbled. Best friend... Greenland thought to himself,

"I-I'm your best friend?" Greenland sputtered,

"Well yeah," Antarctica rolled his eyes. Greenland's face turned a light shade of pink, overwhelmed with happiness. How long has it been since I've felt this way? He asked himself, staring at the adorable smiling country in front of him. Antarctica wrapped his arms around Greenland's neck, hugging him. Greenland held the country close, a twinge of sadness in his heart when Antarctica pulled away. "You should finish packing and then go to bed, your gonna have to get up early. I'll come meet you at your room in the morning."

"Goodnight Snowflake," Greenland smiled,

"Goodnight Ren."

(A/N: I'm really sorry for this being short, I just needed to end this chapter to kill off all the writers block this chapter has given me the past 5 days. I'm gonna really work towards a better chapter next time, that is if writers block doesn't consume me again. Have a good day/night!)

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