Chapter 11

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(A/N: The place where Antarctica's house is, is fictional and in almost no way similar to actual Antarctica. ((it might not even be in Antarctica, not sure how this world works yet))

(Narrator POV)

Antarctica jumped up and down, pulling on Greenland's sleeve. They'd gotten off the boat quite a while ago, having to walk a long way in the freezing cold snow. How the hell does he have so much energy? Greenland wondered, watching the country bounce around in the snow all the while carrying his luggage, and he had a lot.

"Hey uh, Antarctica, why do you have so many, er bags?" Greenland asked,

"Oh," he laughed, "It probably looks like I overpacked. Most of this is just groceries for the next few weeks,"

Makes sense I guess, Greenland thought,

"Come on Ren my house is right here," Antarctica said, pointing to a small log cabin not too far off. The two countries made their way to the small cabin, Antarctica unlocked the door, holding it open for Greenland. The house somehow managed to be colder than outside, "I'll show you your room." Antarctica grabbed Greenland's hand, dragging him to a small room down the hall, "It's a bit dusty since I only really used it for storage heh, sorry."

"It's fine," Greenland assured, setting his bag down, Antarctica smiled,

"Do you want some hot chocolate?" he asked,

"Sure," Greenland followed Antarctica back to the living room, shivering as he walked,

"I'll go get wood to start the fire, wait here," Antarctica said, noticing his friend shivering. Greenland nodded, Why does it feel so awkward? he sighed, looking around the room. It was pretty plain, just like Antarctica's room at Arctic's house, only this time there were several bookshelves, filled to the brim with books on science-related stuff. Antarctica came back with a small stack of wood in his arms. He set it in the fireplace, grabbing a lighter that was sitting on the hearth, using it to start the fire, "I'm gonna go make the hot chocolate now,"

Greenland watched him walk to a room connected with the living room. The country sighed, sitting down next to the fire trying to stay warm. I wish I'd remembered to wear my gloves... A loud crash came from the kitchen followed by Antarctica yelping. Greenland got up, quickly walking over to the entryway,

"Snow-" Greenland rushed over to Antarctica, seeing him hold his hand in pain, bits of broken glass and a puddle of steaming water next to him, "What happened?"

"I-I spilled..." Antarctica sniffed, tears forming in his eyes, "It hurts..."

Antarctica held out his hand, the burn standing out on his white skin.

"Here," Greenland gently led Antarctica to the nearby sink, turning it on, making sure it was set on cold, "Put your hand in the water,"

Antarctica complied, moving his hand under the stream of water. Greenland putting his hand on the country's shoulder. Antarctica sniffled, rubbing his eyes with his other hand.

"S-sorry I'm such a klutz Ren..." Antarctica tried to laugh, his voice cracking, turning into a small sob,

"Snowflake... you really aren't. Everyone makes mistakes..." Greenland said, trying to find the right words. Antarctica gave his friend a weak smile, leaning against him.

"H-how much longer do I have to keep my hand under this?"

"Well, how does your hand feel?"

"It..." Antarctica thought for a moment, "It still hurts, but it's not as bad as before."

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