Seventeen - History

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"Cassidy!" Katie ran up to me at full speed, catching me in a bear hug.

"Katie! I've missed you so much!" I shrieked, happy tears falling down my face. I was grateful that I hadn't done my makeup today. "I can't believe you're here!"

"Me neither! And I'm on tour with One Direction!" She screamed excitedly, jumping up and down after we let go of each other.

"You have to meet everyone!" I grabbed her hand and dragged her through the hallway to the recreation room where One Direction and the back-up bands were currently hanging out. We giggled as I slowly opened the door, pulling her in behind me. "Hey guys, I want you to meet my best friend and new lead guitar, Katie!"

All of the boys looked from what they were doing, whether it was playing video games, foosball, table tennis, air hockey, or just sitting on their phones. Harry was the first to speak up, ever the extrovert. "I thought I was your best friend!" He teased.

"Don't start, Harry." I teased back, pushing Katie in front of me. "Katie this is Harry," I introduced the tall, lanky, curly-haired man that had walked up first and stuck his hand out to shake hers.

"Harry Styles." He greeted with a smile and a firm handshake.

Jack and Mark were right behind him and instantly were grabbing Katie in a bro-hug. "Welcome to the band!" They said in unison.

"That's One Direction's back-up band." I introduced the other band and Sandy, Josh, Jon, and Dan waved from where they were around the room.

Liam made his way over with Louis in tow behind him. "It's nice to meet you, Katie, I'm Liam." He shook her hand gently and smiled in a friendly manner.

"And this is my boyfriend, Louis." I gestured to Louis as he shook Katie's hand. I'm not sure that phrase will ever feel normal rolling off of my tongue.

"Nice to finally meet you, Katie." Louis smiled at her and she smiled back. "Cassidy talks about you all the time."

"All good things I hope." She chuckled.

"Of course!" He laughed back, taking his spot by my side as Niall walked up, still looking at his phone.

When he looked up, the man visibly froze for a moment, but so did Katie. Her favorite member of One Direction, who she had a crush on since she was 10 years old was standing in front of her, awestruck. Finally, he cleared his throat, extending his hand to her to shake. "Hi, I'm Niall." His Irish accent cut against all of the English accents in the room beautifully.

"Katie White." She beamed back at him, blushing scarlet, just like I had when I met Louis. "It's so amazing to meet you all, I'm such a huge fan."

"We've heard." Harry chuckled and Katie glared at me before Niall grasped her lower arm gently, pulling her toward one of the couches.

"You should play with Josh and me!" Niall's smile was still wide as he led my best friend over to where Josh and he had been playing video games for the last hour or so. We had another half-hour before soundcheck, an hour until we had to get dressed, and 2 hours until the show.

A thin smile played on my lips as I watched Katie sit with Niall and find instant friends. Louis' arm snaked around my waist and I noticed that Lottie and Freddie were not in the room, probably off somewhere else. "Well, that went great." Louis chirped.

"Better than expected." I smiled up at him and leaned into his touch. "Katie and I have been best friends since I was 16 and she was 15. It's crazy to think we're gonna work together."

"Five years is a long time. The lads and I had already been on four world tours by the time we knew each other that long." Louis' grip on my waist tightened ever so slightly.

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