Epilogue - Not the End

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Liam was in the hospital for almost a month. Once he was stable, the rest of the band paid for him to be flown on their private jet back to London so his parents could stay with him and his sisters could visit him.

Louis was a wreck after I told him what Liam had said to me on our way into the hospital. We were sure it was either Joseph or Reid, but we had no proof either way. Whoever had attacked Liam in the elevator never once faced a camera in the entire hotel and vanished without a trace. Maya was unable to identify the man since he wore a bandana over most of his face, the only thing showing were his brown eyes.

Louis insisted we move back to his home in London, atleast until Liam was fully recovered. I didn't protest even though I knew we were leaving Katie and Niall behind in Miami. Similar to 5 Seconds of Summer, I had been signed on for a second One Direction World Tour and it was starting in September, just two months from now.

Katie would be left behind once again to take care of the twins in Miami with her parents nearby to help. Louis and Niall both insisted that this tour have more short breaks so they could see their kids and Katie more often.

I couldn't help but agonize over Liam's words. "He wanted Louis," rang through my head constantly. Someone wanted to hurt Louis all because of me.

He told me over and over again that he would never let Joseph or Reid or anyone else ever hurt me again.

But now it was him I was worried about.

Book 2 - Not the End

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