Forty One - Over Again

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At nearly 2am, Louis and I were dropped off at my parent's house after the concert. He was exhausted from running around the stage for over an hour and I was tired after a long day.
My dad met us at the door and I was grateful he had left his shotgun in the gun safe instead of meeting Louis at the door with it.
My mom was sat at the island in the kitchen with a glass of wine before she got up to greet Louis. "So you're the boy Cassidy hasn't shut about for the last ten years!" She teased, pulling Louis into a hug as I rolled my eyes.
"Thanks, mom, you've sufficiently embarrassed me."
"That's her job, Cassidy." My dad chuckled, catching Louis in a firm handshake.
After exchanging niceties, I gently pulled Louis toward my room with our bags. "We will see you all for breakfast and you can grill him with all your questions then."
My dad whispered something to Louis that made his eyes nearly pop out of his head before my parents bid us goodnight.
After I closed the door to my room, I immediately turned to Louis, who was still pale in the face. "What did he say to you?" I sighed, placing my bags down on the floor.
Louis swallowed visibly. "That if I touched you under this roof I would be buried in your backyard in the morning."
I giggled, my dad was not an intimidating man outside of the conference room/office. "Relax, he never even opens the gun safe unless he's showing off to his friends. I don't think he's ever actually fired a gun."
Louis' eyes widened again. "You have a gun in the house?!"
"Oh, I forgot those are illegal in England." I laughed dryly. "Yes, there is a unloaded, never-been-fired gun in a safe that is locked. Please don't worry about it."
Louis shook his head a little, seeming to calm down a bit. I went into my adjoining bathroom to change into my pajamas while Louis changed into basketball shorts and a different t-shirt. We brushed our teeth and finally climbed into bed just before 3am, knowing very well we'd have to be up in six hours to get the day started before the wedding.

After an awkward, and thankfully quick, breakfast, Louis and I were picked up by his security officer in another black SUV to drive us to the wedding venue.

Louis and I walked down the aisle not as bride and groom, but as Best Man escorting the Maid of Honor

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Louis and I walked down the aisle not as bride and groom, but as Best Man escorting the Maid of Honor. We were just behind Niall to walk down the aisle toward the front as the music played.
Niall had six Groomsmen and one junior Groomsman; Louis, Harry, Liam, his brother , and Katie's brothers Matthew, Jacob, and Morgan. Katie had five Bridesmaids and two Junior Bridesmaids; Me, a few friends from high school, and her two little sisters Abigail and Jenna.

 Katie had five Bridesmaids and two Junior Bridesmaids; Me, a few friends from high school, and her two little sisters Abigail and Jenna

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Finally, Katie's father escorted her down the aisle

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Finally, Katie's father escorted her down the aisle. Niall let a tear flow down his cheek before quickly wiping it away as he saw his stunning bride walk toward him.

 Niall let a tear flow down his cheek before quickly wiping it away as he saw his stunning bride walk toward him

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"Do you, Niall James Horan, take Katie Elizabeth Williams to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do." Niall was beaming, I had never seen him smile like this.
"And do you, Katie Elizabeth William, take Niall James Horan to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do."
"By the power vested in me by the State of Florida, I now pronounce you Husband and Wife. You may now kiss the bride."
Niall gently pulled his new wife into a passionate kiss as everyone around them cheered and clapped. I began to cry happy tears for my best friend. I again found myself wishing I would be this happy one day.
The dinner after was delicious and I made sure that Katie actually got to sit down and eat. In her fragile state, she didn't need to be walking around all day in heels especially on an empty stomach.
For their first dance, Niall chose to serenade his bride with "Dear Patience" as they danced. Louis wasn't a dancer and I knew that going into the party. I sought out Harry for a few dances and Liam traded him Maya for me for one dance. Katie twirled around with Harry for one song while I danced with Niall before I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"I believe everyone has had a chance to dance with my girlfriend but me tonight." Louis teased, as he held out his hand for mine. I got one song out of him before he gave up on dancing, saying he was "no good anyway".
I was able to surprise Katie & Niall with their mini-honeymoon at the end of the night and the happy couple was swept away in a limo to their hotel.
Louis and I sat silently most of the way back to my parents house in their car. I couldn't wrap my head around how Louis and I, if things had been different, could have been the next couple to tie the knot. Katie and Niall were in love and there was no doubt about that, but they were forced to speed up their relationship so much with Katie's pregnancy. It made me grateful for the time Louis and I had to sort out our lives first.
My parents bid Louis and I goodnight and once we were in my bedroom, we helped each other out of our wedding garb. I helped Louis with his suit and he helped me with my dress before we both climbed into bed in our pajamas. Louis wrapped an arm around my waist as he laid beside me, and I fell into a blissful sleep.

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