lemon ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯

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I was sitting on my bed reading a book while asmodeus was lying on top of me I was just stroking his hair and humming a tune he was also reading a book he looks so relaxed. All of a sudden he just turned to me and said"iruma you do know I think you look cute in anything"I blush to this cuz he was too hot and handsome I look to him and said"well I think you're hot and handsome in anything you wear"I stopped for a minute and realized what I just said my face turned so red that it would put an apple in shame so I hid my face in the pillow.


"Well I think you're hot and handsome in anything you wear"I just stared at him. I did not expect him to say that but when he said that I looked into his eyes and saw on need, want and a little bit of lust.
I just looked at in and took the pillow away from him so I grabbed his arms then I moved my hands to his wrist impending up against his bed and stared at him.

iruma pov
He just stared at me with those gorgeous eyes of his and it sent shivers down my spine I needed him I want him so I did something I never did before "~asmodeus~ I need u~"I blushed when I said this.

asmodeus pov
"~asmodeus~I need u~ I never thought he would say that so I looked at him and smirked I went down to his neck and bit him he moaned out very lovely I guess I hit his sweet spot
I started to take off his shirt and I start to take off my shirt right now we were half naked so I decide to do something more fun. I grabbed his chest and started playing with his nipples.
He moaned very loudly"aahhhhhhh-asmodeus"how to enjoying it.

iruma pov
I know I'm too loudly because it was so good. I can tell he was enjoying it so I pinned into the bed I start taking off his clothes for some reason I was on top I started kissing him roughly and the next thing I knew he took off my pants with in human speed. I gasp
The cold air hit me and it sent a shiver down my spine. Little did I know that he put two fingers in and I moaned so loud I was panting to"ah ah ah ah asmodeus-kun stop teasing me"

asmodeus pov
I did as he said and stop teasing him with no warning at all I shoved into him he screamed out in pain and pleasure and I let him adjust to my length. it took a minute for him to adjust he nodded me to go so I start to move. I was moving so fast that he was screaming in pleasure."aaaaaaah ahahah  asmo-ah ah" he couldn't even finish my name after what it seemed like for an hour I released in him.

iruma pov

I panted really heavily for some reason that felt good~I didn't realize that I fell asleep until I felt my body move and something warm wrapped around me.

asmodeus pov
I looked at iruma he looked so cute with his blue hair and his blue eyes.
Once I pulled out of him he was asleep so I moved him under the covers and watched his sleeping face he was so handsome cute and adorable and I would do anything to protect him
"Sleep well my king"

-so what did you think it was my first time writing one of these in for the whole time I was so embarrassed-

#also comment which one do you like better sharks Or Wales#

I was so embarrassed I never wrote one of these before ¯\_ಠ_ಠ_/¯

iruma x asmodeusWhere stories live. Discover now