Chapter 8

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Throwback: (part )
Its been month for Ilham and Zoyas friendship. Both of their days begins with waking up each other for tahajjud to wishing good nights. Whole day both of them smile themselves  looking at their phone (wired i  know). Their cat fights are famous in cousins WhatsApp group, making each other jealousy to being protective about each other their bond becomming stronger  each day. In all between this their cousins never stopped teasing them and now they both liked and played along with it but sometimes they act like they don't care at all and literally not interested in each other.
Ilham liked to tease and annoy Zoya so he used tell his love stories, even though Zoya acted unefcted only she knew how hard it was for her to calm herself. And again one day Ilham started to tell his new lovelife and Zoya lost her all patience and said " Ok I think its better we stop now or else who knows what happnes tommorow even I may fall in love with you so better we won't be contact anymore. So good bye and good night ". Looking at her text Ilham got miner heart attack. He went numb and speechless, at least he knew now what she feels for him, he is been trying to know about her feelings ever since those little glossy eyes took away his sleep, those eyes made him go crazy, he would sit and look at those eyes and adore it for hours before going to sleep, but he wasn't sure about his feelings for Zoya and he didn't wanted to come to any conclusion without knowing her feelings. So he tried to make her jealous  every day, but Zoya was never been easy to handle and she never let her emotions out she was so hard to deal with, she would act unefected by his love stories. But when he got her text, her only one sentence took his gaze, "tommorow I may fall in love with you" was enough for him to smile like stupid, rest of her text he just thought to ignore it.

But he wanted to know for how long she can stay away without texting him, as his ego wasn't anything less he textd her back "as you wish, I won't bother you anymore good night and good bye". Like he always loved to annoy her he thought she would text back, but to his surprise she din text next day or day after next day. He waited and waited and Waited hoping she would text back some day but as each day passed his hopes became weak and weak. In all those days he still talked to her looking at her picture of eyes every night.

Been a week since she texted him last time, in all these weeks she would look at her phone every each second hoping he would send text anytime soon, waking up for tahajjud she would cry and pray, but she never textd him because her ego didn't let her to, each passing second seemed like an hour and each day like months but he din text back. Because of their ego both missed eachothers company  terribly. And this small news of their break made their cousins think both are nuts.

" Ego kills relationship more than trust and misunderstanding" 

And one fine day..................

To know what happens check in next chapter but before that vote, comment ,tag and share.. And also do lemme know about my mistkes and improving suggestions ❤
Much needed support and love for
Yours and only yours


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