Chapter 6

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Throwback (part3)
      Its 100th time she's staring at message she received an hour ago and still she didn't  replayed back, in fact she doesn't know what to replay she still in confusion mode. She already jumped like those teenage new love struck young girl for 5th time and pinching herself to make sure she isn't dreaming at all. After an hour of struggle of replaying back or not, she typed ' Hi' back with her trumbling hands.
From last an hour Ilham had already smoked packet of cigarette(smoking is injurious to health so don't smoke) and emptied 4 cups of coffee. He never been this nervous ever before, he couldnt understand why is he being so nervous and waiting for her replay, He couldn't understand why is he awstruck on those twinkling eyes. Every second feeling like hour he is getting more impatient. Haya is been watching and looking at his craziness she smiled at him and asked "what is it bothering you bayya, why are you so nervous and whom are you waiting for? From last an hour you have been checking your phone constantly, is there anything so important coming up?". But Ilham being Ilham he didn't bother to answer as he choose to ignore her question. By taking his silence as answer Haya left his room to do her work as she know he won't tell her until he wants to.
When suddenly his phone popped message "Hi " and he smile on his face said his wait was all worth it. And now it was his time to dance as he got his text replayed and friend request accepted. Now all he acted as he is just a teenage love struck boy, he completely forgot he is business man who has a business to run and he need to concentrate on that than replay to his text. But right at movement all he wanted was just her replay which made his day beautiful.
Without wasting second he texted again
Ilham : "Salams Zoya how are you"
Zoya : "Alhamdulillah good ,how's at your end? How's haya"
Ilham : "Alhamdulillah she is fine too, and I have been searching for ever since we met you last time and till end I din knew you are Zoya"
Zoya(blushing): "Is it so ? And why did you wanted to know about Zoya and where did search I didn't see you near my house(being sarcastic )
Ilham: "oppps bad joke very funny and well I din wanted to know about Zoya I wanted to know about those scared little twinkling eyes which you have, and yeah it was yours unfortunately 🤣".
Zoya :" oooh now this is very funny😏"
Ilham :"OK  jokes apart, I really din knew you were Zoya whom my cousins used to tease me, and you been there for more than 2 days at my place and still I dint see you, strange isn't it?".
Zoya : "ohh ohh🙄" (speechless)
Ilham :" OK then? Tell me something about you".
Zoya :"I am girl who has scared twinkling eyes🤪"(sarcastic again)
Ilham :" Am not joking, I really know nothing about you than your name" .
Zoya :"ok ok .. Am doing my university and am interested In talking and reading writing too occasionally and I hope you know my family still I have two siblings and many and many cousins😁".
Ilham: " ohhh ohh.."(speechless)
  For two minutes both dint replay as they din know how to continue . So both waited for each other to text and finally Ilham asked again
"You there Zoya?"
and she replayed back,
"Mom is calling ,in sha Allah will see you next time, until then bye goodnight😴Assalamu alaikum ". After sending message Zoya regretted thinking why did she lie like that but she couldn't undo it so she simply waited night to pass soon.
When Ilham got Zoyas good night text he felt bad but he couldn't help but sigh. So he just wished night to pass soon so that morning would bring better tommorow.

Little did both knew they are not going to get sleep anytime soon and they would wait and count each second to pass on so they could send Good mornings again. And  that's exactly how both ended up their whole night waiting and hoping for better tommorow. In between all this both didn't knew they are getting attached to each other just with presence of mind and getting happy for no reason just by hearing each others name, and they din knew they were falling for each other and still they liked that feeling.

"Sometimes someone's presence was enough to make your day better and beautiful".

Heyyya people.. How you all doing? Hoping everything is good. Chapter 6 is up guys please show some love and voteeeeee... And also share. Much needed love and support also share, tag and voteee. Don't forget to tell me about how's chapter in comment section feel freeeee to find and mention about my grammer errors and how to improve my books. Waiting and waiting for u suggestions 😁😁
Yours and only yours


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