Chapter 7

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Present day.
For the first time in last 3 months Ilham has made some sign and that was enough for to bring smile on many people and Zoya was first person in that list. Everyone did make skhur sajda to the almighty as Ilham finally showed some movements. Being elder son of the family Ilham was everyone's favorite, even for him family was his first priority. He lived happy life with his little happy family until he met with drastic accident on rainy day, you can call it destiny as you know everything is already planed by our creator, no matter how hard we try run nothing can stop the plans of creator of all creation.
From the second he made a sign everyone is still waiting for him to make some more of it and wake up but unfortunatly, he didn't make any of it. Whole day passed but still there wasnt any more of movement. But his family never ran out of hope, they believed and trusted "Everything happens for good and Dua's can make changes".

Ilham's subconscious:
Why can't I wake up yet, even though I am up already. What is this confusion?why is my body still in sleeping where as my mind has already woken up. Damm what's happening around me? Why can't my family see me or touch me. Who am I? Subconious? Can that be true? Why why is this happening to me. Allah where did I go wrong my Rab. I can't look at those crying eyeses around me, I can't make my family suffer because of me anymore, look at my little Haya her eyes are been swolled up because of sleepless nights and non ending cries. At the age of being pampered she is pampering me Ya Allah why can't this be stopped? I want to end it all my Rabbi I want to end it all.
(Brushing Haya's head)
My little baby sister am sorry, am sorry to make you wait , am sorry to make you suffer ,I donno how am I going to repay you for all what you have done to me, I know I know I am bad brother my little baby I have hurted you soo much and now I am making you to wait ,wait for me to wakeup but I wish I just wish you could hear me ,I wish I could tell you, fight with u and listen to all your fending story, but Allah has better plans.
See even doctor uncle said I made good sign ,and I promise you my little sis I'll try and try very hard to wakeup I'll fight with my own body to wakeup In Sha Allah soon I'll end all your pain baby sister I will do this for you.
Where is my Zoya, she is reason I could make some sign, I could feel her pain, I could sense her long silenced cries, it was all my mistake. Zoya did warn me to drive slow but as always I took her advice for granted and here I am sleeping ever since that accident happened. A long long rest am fed up off but still no choice but to bear with it, I can't explain how much I hate this right now. And I wish I just wish I would have told Zoya what she means to me. But again as always me being stupid me wanted her to express her feeling to me even though I know she would never do that because she is introvert. Allah I miss her those eyes, which made me to fall for her. Ohh shitt its her nikah tommorow and am still in sleep. Ya allah help me help me to wakeup before its too late......!

Its early 3 in the morning and I still can't sleep ,tommorow I am going to be someone's wife I know, and i even know if i don't sleep now I'll look like zombie tommorow but who cares anymore?. From past three months I could finally smile because I got news Ilham is up finally, ok ok I know he is not " UP " yet, its just he made some hand movement,but it is good sign he finally trying to wakeup. I know i am stupid, from tommorow onwords i won't be Zoya Hamid anymore, I'll be Wife of Arham Siddiqie, big business man with high social status, master studies and great family background. But I wish, i could tell my family and parents i don't want to be wife of big social well settled man, I just want to be wife of Ilham, man with whom i dreamed of building my own little family but even i know my family won't understand this. All they think is they are doing this for my own better future and I'll be happy, but what they don't know is my happiness is with Ilham. As I couldn't reject my parents request and family's happiness, i never got my courage up to say "NO" to this wedding. And I still believe miracles do happen. Ohh its already time for tahajjud and I'll offer my prayer(duas on tajjahuds are never goes unanswered), am sure my rab will do what is best for me and I accept everything written by my "Allah"!.

"Duas do make changes, if you feel your Duas are unanswered then it means it wasn't good for you and better things are comming ahead" .

exactly same thing happened too in Zoyas life...
Want to know more about it? Then stay tuned...
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