Chapter 4

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#Throwback (Part 2)
                Ilham restlessly walking here and there in his room anyone could makeout he is irritated. When he saw Haya running towords his room he went to close doors but bfore he could close his room Haya was already in, helplessly  he sighed and asked what does she wants, and she says Zoya is leaving come let us bid her bye. Even before he could resist her, she already took him out of his room.
                When Haya and Ilham entered hall Zoya was already standing out waiting for Haya but she didn't knew Ilham was also with her. With all cousins surrounding Zoya talking about next meet Haya made her way with Ilham, seeing those little eyes he adored standing in between his cousins he stood there forgetting world around him, as if those eyeses hypnotised him, like he lost his sanity infront those little eyes.
            Seeing Ilham standing dumbstruck Haya started to wakeup him up from his lost thoughts, before he could react and ask about girl in front of him Haya told " bayya, meet Zoya Samairah dhi's cousin, she is sweetheart bayya I am gonna miss her. Tell her not to go please" . Ilham neither found any words to stop nor he could listen anything around him, he just stood there like stachue.
               As soon as Zoya found Ilham standing infront of her, her heart beat started to rise every second she couldn't stand there anymore so she made her way out soon as possible. Even after 5 minutes she couldn't believe she met him face to face, even though morning they had small faceoff she hid herself turning around and Haya came as her saviour.
                  Seeing her brother act wired Haya again shoke her brother to bring him back from his lost thoughts, when he came to his senses started to search for those adoring eyes,wen he asked about Zoya he got to know she already left. Helplessly he made his way to his room.

                    Its been month after Samairah's wedding Ilham is still strugling hard to forget those eyes. Those eyes already made major prints in his heart and his nights filled with thoughts of his eyes. He couldnt forget how those eyes flickered nervously looking at him, as if telling him something, as if he could understand the language of those little eyes, as if those little eyes hyponotised him, held him captive in its own world of glossiness.
                      Day by day he is been trying to get in touch with Zoya as he couldnt forget her those eyes which captivated him. One day finally he found her in Social site checking her profile  picture  again he lost himself looking at those little eyes which is covered in niqab and without wasting second he sent her hi!.
                    Even Zoyas condition never been easy either. She spent her whole day thinking about Ilham and looking at wedding pictures of Samairah and strolling down his social account . She would sit alone for hours and think about him and smile at her stupidity. As she was going through his pictures she got new message saying Hi! and as she checked her text her heart beat raised instantly. Just looking at his text she closed her phone. She couldnt believe Ilham texted her. She had been waiting for this from very long time but as when he finally texted she went numb she couldn't replay to him, she found her hands shaking typing replay to him. And just like that new chapter of their life began without them even knowing!.

Chapter 4 is up guys.... Wolllahhhh😍 read tag and support.. Share as much as possible please please. Much needed love and support for..
                                    Yours and only yours


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