CHANBAEK|"20 20"

599 13 17

"Hold up a second... You're doing great, sweetie", the doctor praised, accompanied by the man beside him. 

"T-thank you."

They both turned towards the deep voice who was stuttering, including the small one. 

"He was talking with Seho, Chanyeol.", Baekhyun laughed before turning his attention back to the little girls who was sitting on the doctor's bed, waiting for her wound to be cleaned. "Why don't you go and find some chocolate? You're stressing the baby.", Baekhyun suggested, closing the door of the cabinet in front of the other one, leaving him with a shocked face behind the wood piece, giving him no other choice than leave. 

They were at the hospital with their niece, a sweet fice years old princess named Seho. He doesn't realise how stressed he had been in the past hour, being scared because of a simple injured knee. Seho felt while she was playing in the park and Baekhyun could clean the wound by himself at home and cover it with a patch but Chanyeol, always being panicked when he shouldn't, rushed them to the hospital immediately, to make sure she doesn't have any rocks and it won't get infected. 
"You know that Sehun and Suho would kill us" was his only excuse for being so scared but Baekhyun knew that it's not the case, since the girl's two fathers are actually cool with that, realizing that a child can get hurt as a daily basis. But he just nodded his head and laughed for himself. He knew that it was too late to change his husband. He knew him for 7 years now and he had always been like this, way too careful. It was his way of showing his love for others. 

Chanyeol was now trying to make the snack machine work since it won't release the cookie he just bought. 


The little voice made him laugh for a second, without even looking. For a weird reason, it reminded him of one of the old recordings his mother-in-law showed him a few weeks ago when they visited Baekhyun's parents in Bucheon. It sounded exactly the same. 

"Appaaaa!!" the kid kept screaming and Chanyeol couldn't think of anything else but how sweet the voice of a human being calling the one who gave him life only because of pure love was.

He still didn't look back. 

He didn't want to hurt himself, he thought. 

Finally, the machine gave him the snack but he dropped it immediately, hitting the head of the persons who was hugging his leg tightly. "Appa!", the baby from before started to cry again but this time wrapped around his leg, and probably because of the pain.

Still, Chanyeol was confused. He looked around to see if anyone is rushing to pick up the kid and yet, no one is getting closer. They only looked at him, confused as well, probably asking why he's not trying to calm down the kid who looked...exactly like him. 

Finally, he lowered himself to the kid's level and started to caress his forehead with his big thumb to ease the pain while shushing him. This was the moment when his eyes meet Baekhyun's, who was standing behind the baby, with his mouth open and big eyes, looking at his husband with a kid attached to his leg. He could only see two pairs of big ears. 

"Hey, hey... you're fine, I am sorry little one.", Chanyeol apologised to the baby who was now hugging his neck with his small arms, still sobbing.

"Appa didn't hear when Chanhyun called.", the kid mumbled, the adorable voice and the tight hug making hard for him to pronounce most of the words correctly but Chanyeol was sure he heard "appa" once again and...a weird name that sounded a little too familiar. 

It seemed like Baekhyun heard that part too, even if he was a few steps away, still looking at his husband. 

"Wha-...Where is your appa, baby? You want me to help you find him?" Chanyeol asked, trying to pull away from the kid, at least for a second so he can see his face. And he couldn't be more shocked than he was at this point.

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