Chapter 5 - Hargeon

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        This took really long, but it's a long chapter :D I hope you enjoy

        You flopped down in the cushioned train seat, leaning your head against the window. Exhausted, you shut your eyes and sighed. "That was torture." The job you and Natsu had just recently finished had drained your energy. After the rats had scampered away, you and your teammates found them in the basement (which had a pile of furniture and knick-knacks that were most likely collected by the rats). Natsu burned all the rodents to a crisp all the while charring the walls of the basement and almost setting the entire mansion on fire, and because of the damage you were only paid half of your original reward. Even though you didn't get our full pay, you felt a little more at ease to have some jewel in your pocket.
        "Aye." Happy sighed, sitting in the seat across from you.
Natsu plopped himself down next to you and leaned his head on your shoulder. "I hate trains..." The dragon slayer murmured, his face looking pale.
        You looked down at him sympathetically. "It'll be over soon and then we'll be in Hargeon." You looked at the ceiling, fake confusion on your face. "Isn't that where Igneel is supposed to be?"
        "Yea," Natsu perked up a bit. "It's gonna be great seeing him again."
You smiled. This is so great. I hope I get to stay in this world with Natsu and everyone in Fairy Tail forever. Even if it is just a dream.
        The train jerked forward and you heard an inhuman noise come from the mage sitting beside you. You started rubbing his back, remembering all the times your mother had when you were feeling sick. "It'll be over soon." You cooed.
        Natsu looked up at you, his face pale. "(Y/n), you're so nice. All my other friends just tell me to 'grin and bear it', or they knock me out so I don't throw up all over them."
        You chuckled. "That sounds like them." You said, remembering how Erza had knocked out Natsu on the train to Oshibana during the Eisenwald arc.
        The dragon slayer didn't reply, but you assumed he'd heard you. You looked across from you to see Happy sleeping peacefully on the velvet cushion. You smiled to yourself, resting your head on the window and slowly drifting into sleep.

        You woke up to the train screeching to a stop. Your head jerked forward slightly and you attempted to sit back up. Over the loud speaker, a smooth female voice announced, "Hargeon station. Next stop Magnolia."
        You stood up, seeing Happy was already standing on the floor, ready to go. You shook Natsu's shoulder. "Okay Natsu, time to get up."
        "Brgh." He mumbled, slowly slipping out of his seat and falling to the floor.
        You sighed. "Happy?"
        "Aye sir." The blue exceed stated, using his Aera magic to lift Natsu up and out of the train's exit doors and then proceeded to drop him on the ground. "Come on, Natsu. You should feel better now that we're off the train."
        You stood next to the Fairy Tail mage, looking at him in his pitiful state made you feel like you needed to protect him (even though he wasn't in harm's way). "Be nice, Happy. He needs a few minutes to recover."
Once Natsu was up on his feet, the three if you all went out to search for the Salamander that was rumored to be in the port town. You and your comrades hadn't been searching for long when you heard the high pitches screams of young girls.
        "It's Salamander!"
        "I love you, Salamander!"
        "Can I have your autograph?!"
        Natsu looked over at you and Happy. "I bet that's Igneel!" He exclaimed and ran towards the crowd of over-excited girls. You and Happy followed, crawling through the crowd of young females to get to the cause of all the ruckus. You knew who was causing all the commotion, and it definitely wasn't any fire dragon.
        You stood up in the middle of the crowd next to Natsu. You recognized Bora as the one causing all the excitement, disguising himself as a famous wizard named Salamander. You remembered how he had used his charm spell to attract young girls, but since you where aware of his magic, it had no effect on you.
        "You're not Igneel." Natsu snapped.
        The fake Salamander smirked. "I don't know who this Igneel fellow is, but I'm the Salamander, a fam-"
        He didn't get to finish before you, Natsu, and Happy left.
        "Don't just leave Salamander!"
        "Don't be rude to Salamander-sama!"
        "That's disrespectful!"
        Natsu was pummeled by Salamander's fan girls.
        Bora walked towards your companion. "Now ladies, no need to punish the poor boy." The girls then immediately jumped off of Natsu, but they still looked pretty ticked off at him. "Here, have this for all the trouble I've caused." The blue haired mage handed Natsu a framed picture of his autograph.
        The fire dragon slayer looked up at the fake Igneel. "I don't want it." He said blankly. At that comment he was, once again, attacked by ravage fangirls.
        You just stood in the sidelines, waiting for this while ordeal to be over.
        You noticed Bora was in the air, supported by his purple flame magic. "I'm having a party on my yacht tonight, and you're all invited!" He then flew off, and the girls' screams subsided and the crowd dispersed into different areas of the town.
        You rushed over to Natsu's side, he was still laying on the pavement. "You okay?" You asked, holding out a hand for him to grab.
        Before the dragon slayer could reply, a young girl appeared in front of you. She looked to be around seventeen years old and had blonde hair that was partially tied up with a blue bow. She wore a pleated blue skirt, and a blue striped top.
        It was Lucy.
        She waved her hand. "Thanks for helping me back there. You barging in like that snapped me out of his charm spell."
        Natsu sat up, facing the celestial mage. "What do you mean?"
        "The Salamander was using a charm spell to increase his fame, I'm guessing." Lucy smiled at us. "Since you helped me, I'll treat you guys to lunch."

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