Chapter 10 - Fairies In The Wind

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        I told you I'd try to make a new chapter every week and that's what I'm doing. (I'm so proud of myself ;u;)

        Yo, just want to remind you guys that after the Erigor arc you're going to have some bonding time with Natsu (You're relationship really needs some development). I know if I insert chapters not in the series it will technically change the time that everything happens and stuff but let's just not think about that, okay?

        Your team had all packed into the Magic Mobile and were driving to Kunugi Station, which is where Eisenwald was rumored to be. Erza sat in the driver's seat, the SE Plug attached to her arm, and you, Natsu, Happy, Lucy, and Gray were all in the back seat.

        Once you arrived at Kunugi, Erza parked the vehicle on a over-hanging cliff right above the train station. Lucy and Happy stuck their heads out the window, seeing that the Eisenwald guild was high-jacking the train at the station.

        "I can understand cars and boats, but why'd they want to high-jack a train?" The blonde observed.

        Happy answered. "It doesn't really seem like it would be a very good choice for get-aways, since it can only follow the tracks it's on."

        "Yes that's true, but they are quite fast." You overheard Erza.

        "Then I guess it's up to us to see where those Eisenwald guys are going in such a big hurry, and why." Gray replied.

        "You're naked, Gray!" Lucy pointed out.

        The ice-make wizard looked down. "Am I?"

        The celestial wizard added. "The military has already been put into action, so it'll only be a matter of time before they're caught."

        "I hope that's the case, Lucy." The requip mage finished, pushing the joy-stick that controlled the Magic Mobile forward, moving the vehicle.

        Natsu was silently sitting on the floor, his head resting on the seat next to Gray.

        "Erza!" You called to the mage. "We should head to Oshibana, I think that's were Erigor is going to strike next!"

        The S-Class wizard could barely hear you over the wind and grumbling engine of the Magic Mobile. "Yes, that is what I suspect as well! We have to get there before they do!"

        After a little while of travel in the vehicle, you were on the streets of Oshibana. Gray had climbed onto the top of the Magic Mobile (and somehow found a shirt to put on in the process), to be a second pair of eyes for Erza. The red head was going fast, and using up a lot of her magic to power the car.

        "Stop, Erza!" The ice-make wizard warned the requip mage. "You're going too fast, and you're gonna overload the SE plug!"

        "There's no telling how many innocent people could die if Lullaby's song is played, I can't slow down we have to stop Eisenwald before it's too late!" Erza retorted.

        "At this rate you're going to use up all your magic before we start fighting!" Gray shouted, trying to convince the red haired mage to slow down.

        The S-Class wizard smiled slightly. "I guess I'm going to have just use hand-to-hand combat, besides I've got you and Natsu as back up."

        You stopped listening in on your teammates' conversation and focused more on what was going on inside the vehicle with you.

        Natsu was almost passed out on the floor because of his motion sickness, and you hated seeing him in that miserable state. Poor baby, you thought. If only there was some why I could help him. You sighed, feeling drained.

Fictional Love; Natsu X ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat