Battle for All Souls

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          The sunlight emanating from the curtains entered the black-haired gal's eyes after she felt herself waking up. Asori grunts a bit before Ashley's strong arms covering her locked onto her line of sight. The Star Wars geek couldn't help the warmth the fellow female brought her. Here, it's a breath of fresh air. A needed breath of fresh air. Asori found herself burying her face in Ashley's shoulder to feel more of that warmth. Ashley in particular suddenly woke up to find Asori doing what she honestly enjoyed. It felt nice sharing a bed with someone. Especially with someone like you. Ashley smiled as the two went back to sleep. This peaceful sleep lasts until a knock on the door wakes up Asori.
         "Time for breakfast," The leader told his two teammates. Asori grunts and moves her arms slightly. After sitting up from the bed she shared with Ashley, Asori lightly nudged the redhead to get up. It took a little push, and a slight pinch, but Ashley stood up in the bed with a jolt.
        "You really love sleep, don't ya?" The Star Wars geek quipped. Ashley smiled in that same quippy manner as she stretched her arms.
       "Hell yeah," Ashley said in a slight grunt.
       "How are you doing?" Ashley asked Asori, her smile going into a neutral frown. Asori frowned a little bit too. Both girls want to start over starting today, but they don't know how they can do it. Asori, however, quickly told herself mentally to stop overthinking things and smiled back at the gloomy redhead.
      "I'm good," Asori said before hugging Ashley. The redhead happily reciprocated this affection by hugging her back. The hug ends after a few seconds with both of their smiles returning.
     "Ready for breakfast?" Asori asked Ashley. Ashley's smile grew wider as she replied to her question with the utmost excitement.
     "Yeah!" The strong-willed young lady says before throwing the blanket onto the floor with one hand. Ashley and Asori giggle at that little move Ashley did as they walked downstairs together. The teens are now seen having pancakes, berries, and milk with Aubrey and Ariana eating more pancakes than the other teens. The entire group ate for a good minute or so before talking rang out in the group.
    "How many pancakes could you guys eat?" Ashley asked nonchalantly.
     "We ate like six to eight the last time we had lunch together," Aubrey said with her mouth filled with a small number of pancakes.
     "Yeah. It was amazing. We got through-" Ariana's mouth filled words couldn't have been translated. So, Vivian shot a stern frown and eyebrow at her to swallow before she speaks. Obediently nodding her head, the young girl swallowed her food before opening her mouth to clarify as to what the hell she just said.
     "I said we got through so many pancakes that we ended up making our mom and dad have to spend quite a load of dough at Denny's," The fifth-grader said.
     "Yeah. Mom was a bit mad," Aubrey said, her swallowing the urge to berate her mom at a time like this.
     "Speaking of which, how are your parents?" Asori said before taking a bite of her pancake. The yellow hooded teen fell silent along with her sister. Frowns even fell upon their faces which immediately brought concern from Aubrey's teammates to the table.
     "Are they doin' ok?" Shadow Bird sincerely asked his comrade. The young teen didn't respond. Neither did the youngest Stone as they kept eating. Shadow Bird wanted to press more from her, but Vivian gently tapped his shoulder and mouthed a no to him. Shadow Bird, not wanting to risk damaging the bond the team was now getting cultivated, shut his mouth, therefore bringing this issue to an end.
    "Have a good day at school, sweetie," The Stone aunt said before kissing Ariana on her forehead.
    "Thanks, Aunt Viv," Ariana said just as she and Aubrey exchanged a quick hug.
    "Love you, kiddo,"
    "Love you, Aubrey," The two say before Ariana makes her way to the bus.
    "What's the plan with you and the gang?" The aunt asked nonchalantly.
    "Well, we're gonna talk with Starsis as to how our mission's going," Aubrey said bluntly.
    "Ok. You let me know if you need anything," Viv says in which she hugs her niece before leaving.
    "It was good to meet you kids." The team nods happily to the woman as she went off to work.
    "Love you," The teen said followed up by the woman saying the same thing before heading out the door. Aubrey sped off to shut all the curtains in the house just so no one knows they're here. They don't want the police reigning hell on them after all. The yellow speedster made her way back with the device. Coincidently, the light entity had just decided to call them up.
   "Hello, heroes," The light entity said, a small smile on his face.
   "Hey there. What's up?" Shadow Bird inquires with that sly smirk of his.
   "Your progress, that's what's up," Starsis states bluntly yet softer than three days ago.
   "Well, we have four of the five shards," Asori explained.
   "Very good. All you five have left to do is find the last shard and you've helped save the multiverse. Well done," Starsis said with his arms crossed.
   "Well, Starsis. We also wanted to ask if we could take a break." The request puzzled the light entity a bit just before he opened his mouth.
  "What do you mean by that?"
  "As you said before, we're almost done with the journey, so why don't we take a break?" The rest of the team was puzzled by this too. She never brought this up to them just before this conversation. Why does she bring this up now?
  "Why now? You're almost done with your journey," Starsis protested.
  "There's some stuff I want to show the team. Plus, I'm sure Evilkin can't conjure up a few more minions, can he?" The light entity, knowing full well what she meant, nodded his head in agreement.
  "Very well. Don't make it too long. You wouldn't want Evilkin to cause the end of the multiverse through some mad scheme, would you?" The light entity asked followed up by the members shaking their heads as to say no.
  "Ok. Keep up the good work, heroes," Starsis said as the transmission ended.
  "Ok, Aubrey. Show us your stuff," Jayden demands in which the yellow color-coded gal led the team to her room for her stuff. After that is said and done, Starsis sits down in his chair as his mind wrestled with the idea of what'll happen after all of this is over. He feels tremendous guilt for how he treated the kids throughout this journey. His bashing of them for saving lives instead of getting the crystal shard is his biggest regret. But how could he properly apologize to them? Give them pointless wisdom? Bake them cookies? What? Starsis' eyes gazed up at the device after his thoughts soon went back to Evilkin. The monster whom he'd seal away forever. That'll be worth it. Once he gets here, it'll all be worth it.
   "Look who's pride has been broken.'" Starsis abruptly turned to find Evilkin standing behind him. Speak of the devil. Starsis scowled down at him with nothing short of disappointment. The future will have to wait. The present threat is more important. Very much more important.
  "Well done, Starsis. Your servants are still loyal to you. You've gotten your way yet again," Evilkin said coldly, his own gaze mirroring his brother's cruel ire.
  "This coming from someone who created his own servants whom he led to their deaths?" Starsis mocked seriously. Evilkin would've taken Starsis' head off for that, but he knew better. He wants his brother's death to be slow. And when those five brats get here, there will be hell to pay.
  "That was the work of your five errand boys and girls. They'll die when they get here. Now is where you'll die first," Evilkin said before unsheathing his sword and aiming it at Starsis' throat.
  "Was this all worth it, Evilkin? Were the deaths of everyone we've loved and cherished worth your petty vengeance towards something you've done?" Starsis fearlessly questioned.
  "Oh. Trust me, Starsis. You've had the only hand in this scheme. I was just your first victim!" Evilkin said before striking against Starsis' head. The quicker man used his secretly unsheathed countermeasure to strike at Evilkin's blade. Those two said blades clashed in ways that'd been done too many times. These were brothers. Brothers who once loved each other deeply. But that was gone. In their eyes, one is responsible for the misery of the other. Therefore, what's stopping them from exacting vengeance? Strikes of vigor and fury ring out across the room. Flips, teeth skinning dodges, expert blocking, and raging swinging clash and clash for what seemed like an eternity. Ultimately like the dance they'd done since millennia. A dance they'd grown tired of. A few scratches from the blades come onto them. A cut of Starsis' cheek is one of them whilst Evilkin gets one on his right shoulder and left thigh. Because of the remaining darkness energy in his system, Evilkin continues fighting with energy enhanced attacks, Starsis doing the same so that he doesn't let his brother win. The duel goes on and on until both swords were blasted away from their bearers. Flying backward and hitting the opposite walls in front of them, both brothers ignored where they lost their swords and focused on a more hands-on approach to combat. The duel didn't last for long because while Evilkin gave his best in terms of landing a few blows here in there with his incredible strength, the intense rage and reflexes in Starsis' attacks are simply too much for the brother born only a minute younger. Starsis didn't stop after Evilkin landed on the ground. Starsis punched and punched Evilkin in the face until he couldn't anymore. He didn't want to stop. Evilkin had taken everything from him. His lover. His parents. His friends. His future. This brat ruined his life! He deserves death! But Starsis felt himself stop. When he was done punching, Evilkin's face was bloodied and broken. He couldn't feel his nose. He couldn't feel his hands on the ground. His eyes had been cascaded in a tiny pool of blood. Starsis, feeling his anger return, grabbed Evilkin by the collar and dragged him to his basement when he saw Evilkin was still alive. Setting him down on the ground, Starsis stared down at him with disgust and disgrace.
  "You're still the same immature brat of a younger brother I once knew. Only right now, you're older, sadder, and angrier at the multiverse." The light entity continued mocking his brother even though he clearly writhed in agony.
  "You ruined my life. And for that, you're going to suffer," He said as he gave Evilkin a really strong kick to the gut. Evilkin coughed up some blood before Starsis continued.
  "See you soon, monster," Starsis said before he walked away from Evilkin's frail body. Tears came from his eyes as Evilkin knew all too well what's been done. He's never felt such pain in his entire life. First, his world was shattered. He lost his sons. And now his brother plans to kill him. But Evilkin refuses to back down. He'll make him suffer first. That's a promise. Evilkin soon felt his body regain focus. As soon as the darkness entity knew the light entity closed the door, Evilkin uses the true last portions of his dark energy to start an internal healing process. He didn't care that he'd be all out of power by the time the process was complete. If it took never having his full power back, then that'd be fine. He needs vengeance. He will have vengeance. Vengeance will have to wait, in the meantime, as the bloody heap on the floor is cut out, the scene of the teens playing video games being pasted in its place.
  "Ok, how about this?!" Ashley said as she made Naruto prep a Rasengan. This attack, unfortunately for her, is countered by Asori having Hinata use Protective 8 Trigrams 64 Palms. Naruto goes flying, but rolls around to the side and gets back up to continue the fight. He never gives up no matter what, after all.
  "Come on! Come on!" Ashley yelled as she button mashes on the controller. The fight is no short of intense with each player giving it their all out there. While Ashley is fierce and strong with her attacks, Asori is much calmer and focused because she's not as hyperactive as her gamer comrade. Yet even she couldn't help herself when getting excited about this competition. This is greatly evidenced by the huge smile on her face and a few giggles here and there. Jayden observed in silence with his arms crossed, the leader of the group trying to make sure his teammates don't kill each other. So far, nothing too drastic happened during this game day aside from a swear-a-thon from two particular red and yellow hooded gals during one of their rounds.
  "I hope you're prepared to lose, Ashley!" Asori proudly said before punching in the right code for her win. Ashley's mouth and face dropped to the floor along with her controller as she saw her character get demolished by the Gentle Step Twin Lion Fists ultimate.
  "Damn it!" Ashley said while slamming her hands on the bed and crossing her arms in anger. In a split second, Ashley turns to find Asori's surprised look. Ashley's guilt smacks itself right in her face for a bit before Asori starts giggling like a chatty school girl.
  "God, you are such a gamer girl!" Ashley, her sand of guilt washed away instantly, starts laughing hysterically alongside Asori. Jayden looked on proudly at them for finally getting along without a fight breaking out between them.
  "Here's one pepperoni pizza warmed from the oven for us multiverse traveling lads," Shadow Bird quipped followed up by Aubrey coming up with a quip of her own.
  "Here's two liters of caffeine and sugar meant to keep us up all night." Mountain Dew and Pepsi liters were set on the nightstand Aubrey's room held and the pizza gets placed on the bed behind Ashley and Asori.
  "Nice," Ashley said before going for a slice. Shadow Bird sliding the box away from her reach and holding his own hand out is what stops her.
  "Time for an exchange, red." The redhead caves in almost instantly as she sighs, gives him the controller, grabs her slice from the box, and moves to the floor.
  "I'll cream you during a match. Sound good?" Ashley nods in a snarky agreement as Shadow Bird picks his character shortly after exiting the fight that just ended.
  "Ohh, Asori. I have Star Wars Battlefront II that we can play later if you'd like"
  "Nah, Aubrey. I'm good. I'm not a shooter games type of girl. And besides, I fricking hate Kylo Ren in that game, my god," Asori said while rolling her eyes. Aubrey's eyes light up as her hatred for the whiny brat she's had to sit through three shitty movies starring him takes over.
  "Right. He's such an emo Darth Vader fanboy. Talk about a wasted villain," Aubrey said with a huff.
"The entire sequel trilogy is just wasted potential. End of story," Asori said casually.
  "Oh, don't even get me started on that dumpster fire," Shadow Bird said as the entire team goes on a rant about how Disney essentially took a massive shit on Star Wars. Thankfully for Jayden, this is peaceful ranting with clever banter.
  "Rey. Rey is just-" Asori's sentence gets interrupted by the suggestions from the other three minus Jayden.
  "A bland piece of toast," Shadow Bird said.
  "Some Wonder Woman wannabe like Kylo Ren's a Darth Vader wannabe," Ashley said.
  "Mary Sue 2,0028," Aubrey said.
  "All of them wrapped into one," Asori said before the rest of the group continue their talking. Jayden didn't really pay much attention to the conversation. He did, however, pay attention to the way everyone talked. They're all happy. For him, that's enough. Jayden continues smiling happily at his team as he's just glad everyone's not fighting right now. Everyone is genuinely getting along. This is due to them talking about things they have in common. A franchise they despise. Characters they hated with a burning passion. They even joke about some of the actors being handed a cruel chance in the making. The banter, smiles, energy, and similarities only ease his mind further from stress. This is a team that he can work with and days like these make it all the better.
  "I'm done if you wanna go, Jayden." Jayden then looks towards Asori who held her controller up to her leader. Still smiling, the young blue hooded teen happily took the controller from the Star Wars geek and plopped down where Asori once sat.
  "I'm gonna head to the bathroom," Shadow Bird said, the team nodding to him just before he heads to the restroom. Humming to himself, Shadow Bird had just finished his use of the toilet and is now washing his hands. But before he makes his way back to the team, the teen vigilante felt his senses go off. It was like his version Spider-Man's Spidey-senses were tingling. 
  "And what do we have here?" Shadow Bird said as he opened the drawer below the toothbrushes. Coincidently to what he was previously thinking, it's a Spider-Man figure. That Marvel Legends figure from 2015. Already in too deep, Shadow Bird processes the history of this figure rather quickly. It'd been burnt by an angry mother. It'd also been missing an arm thanks to this mother's fury being enough to smeer the plastic right at the campsite where the family cooked their s'mores. This angry mother was Aubrey's mother. And why did she do it?
  "This is what happens when you burn my cigarettes, you little shit," Aubrey's mother cursed to herself. She then throws the broken action figure in the drawer, herself too lazy to bury her evidence. Only a short time passed before Aubrey discovered her crime. A yelling match ensued. This is followed by a slap, a punch to the gut, a violent scuffle, and a runaway girl moving to her aunt's house. She then throws it in the current drawer and promises to save enough money for her to buy herself and Ariana a new one each. The memories ended with an angry Shadow Bird looking down at the ruined figure in disgust. This is only one of many horrible things Aubrey's mother did. At least, that's what he thinks. No wonder Aubrey and Viv were so tense when she and her husband were brought up.
  "You still in there, SB?" Aubrey said. Shadow Bird went with his gut and placed the figure back where it belonged.
  "The bathroom's all yours," Shadow Bird quips casually.
  "Hey, Aubrey," Aubrey turned to Shadow Bird inquisitively before she made her move toward closing the door.
  "I saw the figure in there. Amazon has a great deal on that toy for about a hundred bucks." Aubrey smiled slightly as the news that he learned made her uncomfortable, yet not on purpose of course.
  "Thanks," Aubrey said. But just as she was about to shut the door, Shadow Bird stops her once again.
  "You're not alone. Ok?" Those words touched Aubrey's heart more than she'd admit. He's right. Her mom's not the shittiest person in the world, but she was so damn close. She hated her. She's glad she's practically in hell now. Yet she's sad many others, like her new team, had gone through things equivalent to what she went through. Though the only good thing that provided is what Shadow Bird just said.
  "Thank you," Aubrey said genuinely. After the door closed, the smiling vigilante went back to his friends' room.
  "Damn!" Ashley said in frustration. Jayden had beaten her once again with now being the second time. Jayden chuckled a bit before he held his hand out to the defeated teammate.
  "Good game, Ashley." Ashley smiled at that gesture as she shook hands and, along with Jayden and Asori, turned her head toward Shadow Bird.
  "You up next, SB?" Jayden asked Shadow Bird with vigor in his voice.
  "For sure, Blue boy," Shadow Bird said as the two got to work on their stuff. The video gaming goes on for at least another hour before the teens find themselves back in the living room.
  "Are you guys ready?" Jayden asked as soon as he got his location up and running. The team nods their head toward him as they want to get this journey done as quickly as they can.
  "Ok," Jayden said before clicking on the final location. The team, having just arrived at the Fog of Despair, viewed the dark scenery they were in. It was pouring down rain and dark as heck but the scenery was not pitch black.
  "This looks depressing," Shadow Bird said bluntly.
  "No shit," Ashley comments bluntly.
  "Well, let's not stay in this depressing area. Let's go," He said as he led the group through the pouring rain. As the thunder clapped, Aubrey jumped suddenly in front of Ashley.
  "You ok, Aubrey?" Ashley genuinely asked Aubrey.
  "Oh, yeah. I'm good," Aubrey said whilst shaking off the cobwebs of fear she was briefly trapped in. The group continues onward with the thunder crackling louder than Aubrey would like. Boom! Aubrey tried to hold it together, but it's obvious this is getting too much for her. Her body began shaking as the team take concerned glances at their teammate. Boom! Aubrey still struggles to hold it together. But sadly, it doesn't cut it. BOOM! That's what caused Aubrey to yelp in fear.
  "Are you scared of thunderstorms?" Ashley asked. Aubrey shook a bit before sighing in defeat.
  "Y-Yeah," Aubrey said as she put her head down in front of the group. The team glance over toward each other for a few seconds before Jayden, knowing what to do, walked over to her.
  "Hey, it's ok."
  "Just tough it out for now," Jayden said after Aubrey looks up at him. The team continues on with Aubrey's fears only shrinking slightly. The thunder crackles and booms once again, Aubrey nearly screaming at that but is smart to keep her screams silenced. Ashley instinctively held Aubrey's hand which Aubrey is too scared to protest against. After an agonizing walk glazed with thunder, the shard laid upon their eyes, it begging the young teens to claim it.
  "See, we're almost there," Jayden said softly to her. Aubrey only nodded slightly before the team continues walking.
  "Wait!" Before Asori's sudden protest could be heard correctly, the words came too late. The violent tornado that was the "fog" wrapped around the young men and women faster than their eyes can predict. This violent scenery only grows more grotesque as soon as it ends. The imagery in particular is the real horror in front of the teens' young eyes. One by one, silent but painful flashbacks of each member's past appeared in front of their eyes, triggering the group to slowly have tears flowing down their cheeks. They never wanted to see these things again. They were just so painful. The slaps, the screaming, the rejection, and the loneliness. All caused by the people and environment around them. They weren't only silently crying at the sight of their own memories, but the memories of each other as well. They couldn't believe what suffering the other had gone through and related it to theirs. Ashley felt even more guilt trickling inside of her. Who was she to judge Asori after what that wicked man put her through? Asori felt guilty for judging Ashley as well after seeing all the abandonment and rejection she had gone through at the orphanage she was living at and at her school. However, those feeling the two girls shared were nothing when they saw Jayden's memories. They were surprised that Jayden didn't go insane after years of putting up with his family's constant bickering and shouting. In fact, he was even caught in the middle of one of their fights on a few occasions with one side being angry at Jayden for siding with the other. Asori was even close to sobbing again with her hand over her mouth when she saw Jayden's only friend slowly leave him. Shadow Bird couldn't take his eyes off his painful past as he was forced to re-witness the events of his mother's selfish scolding, her boyfriends' abuse, the solitude at school, and the death of his father. When the rest of the group looked at Aubrey's memories, their tears flowed down their faces like waterfalls. They saw the loss of important people in her life, both figuratively and literally, and the toll it secretly had on her, her only comfort being her love of Pokémon and the only two true people in her life. It seemed as they're suffering could forever continue here. Everyone was on their knees crying. So, what was the point of fighting what was in front of them? No. Jayden looked at the group for only a few brief seconds before he felt his instincts take over. A hand reached out to the crying Asori said as she looked upon Jayden. His look, tears still streaming down his face, looked to tell her it's going to be ok. The Star Wars geek trusted Jayden enough to allow her hand to fit in his. Jayden looks upon Ashley with nothing but pity and empathy. Ashley sobbed softly as this was just too much for her. Being reminded of the bullied and bully gal she started her life as just got to her. The times people shoved her to the ground, the times she shoved others to the ground, and all the times she tried to be good but got nothing good in return. When would these times stop? Why can't people just accept her for her? Unfortunately for those people, Ashley finally had that hand to pick her up. Jayden's kindness motivates her to grab his hand. This also motivates her to grab Aubrey's hand too. Although a part of her didn't want to, Aubrey knew she couldn't hide behind a façade anymore. Grabbing Ashley's hand was like her release. A release from a life where she wasn't fake anymore. Shadow Bird got up and grabbed Asori's hand, a look of forlorn sadness yet strong determination mixed into one. With all the teens holding hands, they all held each other's hands as they marched toward the light. These memories tried to get in their way, but the teens are still moving. They keep moving even though the memories get worse. The memories worsen and worsen, but they're still strong. All their faces morph into stern frowns despite the tears continuing their flow. The teens don't focus on the darkness at this point. They only focus on the azure light in front of them. The crystal is soon surrounded by the ones sent to collect it. As the fog leaves, knowing it failed in breaking its victims, Ashley picks up the shard and puts it in the backpack.
  "Well, leader. What now?" Ashley said in a calmer tone.
  "Time to end this. Once and for all," The leader foretold seriously. Their tears dried at that point as he said that with them nodding their heads at Jayden. Asori, holding the device she just now retrieved from the backpack Shadow Bird had under his cape, was now looking at the final destination. Starsis' palace. The place they need to go to as to end this journey. Without further procrastination, the team teleport to the final frontier, their tangent of a journey finally over.
  "You did it. You've all completed your journey. I'm very proud," The light entity said just after the five-member squad arrived at the palace that was his home.
  "Yeah. So, what now?" Jayden asked straightforwardly.
  "Bring all the shards to me," Starsis said. He points to the stainless table where he wants the shards to be placed. However, before the teens place the first shard on the table, Asori immediately looks upon the bruised and shredded clothes he wears now.
  "What happened to you?" The Star Wars geek asked bluntly. Her eyes also caught two paintings that weren't there the last time they were in his palace.
  "Ohh, nothing. Let's just focus on the task at hand please," Starsis said, his smile shrinking only by a fraction.
  "Is Evilkin here?" The young man in the costume asked as the teens glace back and forth for a short time.
  "Heroes, now's not the time." Starsis' frown showed along with his angry tone his growing impatience. Now, regarding this change of Starsis' mood, something was up. The teens stepped back not in fear, but in preparation for a fight.
  "What are you kids doing?" Starsis asked sternly.
  "What's going on?" Jayden asked sternly.
  "Nothing is going on, young man, yet you kids act like there is. Hand over the shards! Now!" Starsis yelled with his hands aiming for the shards. If these kids were going to deny him his closure, then they'll regret it.
  "You kids have one final chance," Starsis said before he clenched his fists in anger.
  "Ohh, trust us. We don't need an excuse to pummel your sorry ass," Ashley said as her hands became flaming ones.
  "Yeah. To be honest, you're in for a world of pain if you don't tell us what's going on," Aubrey said as she stood in her kickboxing position. The rest of the team got in their respective fighting positions whilst looking upon Starsis hoping to beat the truth out of him. Starsis assessed the situation for a brief few moments. He knew he could eviscerate these kids at his full power before they could even blink. But he's reduced to their level. And since the fact they were smart enough to take down Silencer and Raptor, the lord above only knows how they'll be able to kill him. Sighing, he knew what to do. He couldn't win. He may be good at throwing energy blasts and swordplay, but he's not the strongest entity of them all. And he's never taken on a group of enemies before. Let alone a group of five teens he's recruited with powers that could and would decimate him.
  "Evilkin attacked." The team lowers their guard only a small tad due to them wanting to hear this guy out. At least before he does something that'll give them the all-clear to beat the crap outta him.
  "I... I tried reasoning with him. I really did. But he wouldn't listen. I had to..." Tears. Hot tears welled up and flowed down his face as he sat down and cried.
  "I think I killed him," Starsis said as his hand covered his face in shame. The team still stood strong. However, a part of their pity went towards the man in the form of their slightly softened scowls. Faint footsteps rang in Asori's ears, but she ignores it as she's too focused on the task at hand.
  "You have to believe me, heroes." Starsis and his broken voice didn't touch them. Rather, they just wanted to hear what he'd have to say before they go to bat for their earlier questions.
  "I had to do what I had to do. I loved him. And there was nothing I could've done to save him." Evilkin barely managing to open the door was all Asori needed to call out the supposed opposition to darkness.
  "Liar," Asori darkly said. The team also had that same dark face Asori had. They were furious. First, this guy yells at them for saving innocent people. Then, he gives them a forced lesson about sacrifice. And now, he was playing the victim? Starsis, in terror, looked toward the newly opened door to find his battered and bloodied brother standing there. Evilkin's rage didn't leave his face. He wanted to kill Starsis right here. Right now. Sorrow morphed into rage as he stood up to face his brother. Whilst both brothers looked upon each other with the intention to kill, Jayden and Aubrey quickly set the crystal together with the others holding it in place. The crystal that they nearly died for will give them their answers if he won't. The brothers yelled in fury as they charged at each other. The group held the object and wished to the crystal mentally to crystalize the true history of Evilkin and Starsis. Suddenly, as if the two fused before the blows struck, Starsis and Evilkin were mashed together. A gray-robed figure with each side of their faces became their temporary face. Suddenly, like their memories at the Fog of Despair, the memories of Starsis and Evilkin started playing out in front of the teen heroes. Indeed, the brothers had lived a modest life even though they were indeed one of the most prominent families during that era. They had what many would want. Two loving parents, friends, a girl they fought over, and a close bond. Sometimes, Starsis was still the calm, humble young man many people saw him as. After all, who would go out their way to carry an older man's groceries if he was so pompous and classy? While other times, he was bolder and more arrogant. He got in fights he either started, continued, or both. Evilkin, on the other hand, was quiet most of the time. Sure, he wasn't a total loner. But he still spent most of his time alone. Gazing at the stars, studying sculptures, trying to make his own sculptures, and cooking with his mother was how he spent his free time. These separate mindsets Starsis and Evilkin had were made worse by the deteriorating relationship the brothers had with each other due to the circumstances they've been dealing with. Starsis was the perfect jock with a brilliant mind. Both brothers were brilliant, yet Starsis knew how to get the girls, pass the exams, and flips through hoops of fire effortlessly all at the same time. Evilkin had his share of boys and girls he dated. But like some first relationships, they didn't last as long as a long-running engine in a car. They all went out eventually. A certain cave incident involving a bloody fight, throwing one brother in a well in rage, then the other brother falling into another well, and a hellish battle in a village both brothers destroyed in their fury is all the team needed to see to answer why they were in this mess in the first place. The whole cycle the brothers started from the day their previous lives ended to this day played in front of them. The heroes were appalled by what they were of witness to. Sure, Starsis may have had some good moments, but his callous neglect of those whom he'd hurt made them disgusted. What beacon of light would ignore those who he's trying to protect? When they saw Evilkin's memories, they saw how he felt remorse for his actions. What villain would leave a rose on his carnages if one was so heartless? But that doesn't excuse the pain he and his sons caused others. The team couldn't believe it. Not just one brother was the villain here. Both brothers were. Taking glances at each other, they knew what to do. The team mentally wished for the crystal to permanently get rid of the entities' powers as well as revert them to the normal men they used to be. After the brothers were separated from the crystal, the jewel separated from view almost instantly. The team looks upon the two men in disappointment and disgust as the two brothers took a short glance at them before looking back at the teens.
  "I... I..." The former light entity didn't know what to say. He knew he'd lost everything. Evilkin couldn't say anything either. So, they just didn't say anything. The team glances at each other for a short moment before crossing their arms and turning their backs on them. The men still didn't know what to say. Aubrey had only five words for both pathetic men.
  "Get out of our sight," Aubrey demands followed up by Jayden's seven words.
  "We never wanna see you two again," Jayden demanded. Knowing they can't explain themselves, the brothers chose to leave this life behind, deciding to start over elsewhere. Evilkin grabbed the teleportation device his father gifted him for his fifteenth birthday out of his pocket and teleported him and Starsis away. The team walked over to the orb that was on the table Starsis sat near. There, they saw a certain location they've visited pop up on the screen. Wondious. So that was where Fic-City was. The team looks through images of the town from the people walking the streets, different foods that were being cooked, crime being stopped by the police, and the current of stories in the papers. The frightful monster who struck terror into Fic-City every night. Some group of vigilantes hunting criminals. A thief whom the police never could catch. Robberies committed by technological and supernatural forces. These stories hooked the team right into what they were going to do next. Not only did the city need heroes more than ever, but their powers could be further exploited for good. This is truly the second chance they've wanted in life right in front of them. The chance of a better life. Taking only one glance at each other, they knew what to do.
  "So, you're staying with your friends?" Vivian solemnly questioned her niece. Don't get her wrong. She's happy Aubrey had found some amazing friends, but Vivian can't believe she's choosing to live with them.
  "Yeah," Aubrey said without any hesitation. Although she didn't wanna do this to her beloved aunt and baby sister, Aubrey doesn't want to deny herself this golden ticket.
  "Is it... Well... It's just." Vivian wipes some tears away with her fingers before moving from her standing with her arms folded towards her niece to sitting down on her bed next to her and hugging her tight. Ariana joined in, tears running down both their eyes as they held the one they both loved so much.
  "I know, you guys. I know," Aubrey said calmly. She then kisses Ariana's forehead and starts holding her as tightly as the day she was born. Vivian only had a few sniffles here and there, yet she remains strong due to her knowledge of Aubrey's strong will and determination. Viv can't stop her. She couldn't stop her from fighting two bullies. She couldn't stop her from running away to rescue Ariana from falling off a tree. She couldn't stop her from finding out she's adopted. She sure as hell couldn't stop her from getting her brother and sister-in-law arrested for the shit they pulled. Who's to say she could stop from running off and being a real-life superhero?
  "I know I can't stop you," Vivian admits which in turn makes Aubrey look up at her in concern.
  "Yeah," Aubrey said as a small smile formed on her face.
  "You're really one stubborn girl," Vivian admits after a chuckle. Aubrey chuckled a bit herself before the two older girls start hugging tightly. Ariana wrapped her arms around her big sister's stomach and buried her face in her sister's shoulder. After the stone aunt exited the room to greet her new friends, the two Stone sisters got back to hugging each other tightly.
  "Why are you leaving?" Ariana asked, a few tears coming out here and there while her head rested on Aubrey's shoulder. Aubrey then held her close to her by just one arm as she gets the conversation going.
  "Ariana, I love you. You know that, right?" Aubrey said seriously as her eyes locked onto her sister's mint green eyes
  "Yeah," Ariana said after wiping her nose with a tissue she had in her pocket.
  "If things were different, I would stay here and we'd play video games, drink floats, and do all kinds of crazy shit 'till the sun goes down. Hell, think of how much fun we could have now that I've got super speed?" Aubrey's attempt to lighten the mood is only cut short by Ariana's sorrowful expression. Sighing, Aubrey's moment of truth comes about.
  "I won't get this opportunity again. I now have these awesome new friends who mean so much to me. We wanna stay together, but we're not gonna stay together on Earth as we've got nothing left to lose here. It's that, and the fact we've found this cool place we wanna stay at where we get to be superheroes. So to put it bluntly. It's what I want, sis." The younger Stone sister couldn't stop the tears in her eyes. Ariana wants to be happy for her. Really, she does. Yet she can't help but feel like she'll never see Aubrey again. Aubrey, knowing what Ariana's thinking, puts her onto her lap and gives her scalp a much needed kiss.
  "I'll visit and call you guys every chance I get, ok?" Aubrey said with a small smile as she brought Ariana's face up to hers with her hands.
  "Ok," Ariana said after a sniffle. Smiling, the two sisters hugged it out.
  "I love you. Don't ever forget that," Aubrey declared silently into her sister's ear.
  "I love you too," Ariana said back.
  "You're such a crybaby," Aubrey said while chuckling.
  "Shut up," Ariana chuckles.
  "You're the one who cried about not going to Joyner's concert for three weeks straight! Do you remember that, hypocrite pants?!" Ariana said whilst pointing her pointer finger towards Aubrey's chest.
  "Ok fine! But let's not forget you're the gal sobbing about that SpongeBob game for a whole month!" Aubrey said, her deviousness evolving into tickling the little shit shortly thereafter. Ariana's giggles really brought a smile to her face. To Aubrey, this only relieved her consciousness further from any guilt as she knew everything would be ok in the end.
  "Ok, that's the last of the stuff," Vivian states just after she set her niece's last suitcase near her other stuff.
  "Thanks so much, Aunt Viv," Aubrey said before giving her aunt one last hug.
  "You better text and call us every day, young lady," Aunt Viv told her niece sternly.
  "Sure thing," Aubrey said, her scalp getting a kiss from Vivian as a result.
"Love you, kiddo," Aubrey declared casually while hugging her baby sister.
  "Love you too," Ariana said more happily.
  "Be good to Aunt Viv, ok?" Aubrey sternly told Ariana, her eyebrows furrowing to further strengthen her sternness. Ariana giggles and winks at her to show that she'll behave. At least before she decides to act naughty for a little bit. Aubrey giggles as well before giving Ariana's forehead a much-needed kiss.
  "Thank you kids so much," Viv says before hugging each of them for a brief period of time.
  "Please take good care of her," Viv whispered in Jayden's ear. Jayden only happily nodded to her in response.
  "Thanks for helping us find the new action figure, Shadow Bird," Ariana said to the vigilante.
  "Please, kid. Call me Jeremy." Those last three words were the last words the team said to the Stone duo before they all teleported away from them. Arriving at their new home, the team saw a note at the center of the wall in front of them.
  "Consider this our thank you gift. Take care, heroes." That's what the note said. It also had five separate little sheets of paper for each of the teens. Although they didn't trust the light entity anymore after this whole ordeal, they couldn't help but feel like this was some act of closure for him. This is his house only revamped for them. No trace of him nor Evilkin covered the walls. Taking these notes upstairs with them, the five-member squad realized it was directions to their new rooms. They're all awesome. They each had been color-coded in the teens' main colors, had soda machines, a four bookshelf pack, and the other essentials a teen's bedroom should have. Shadow Bird is the happiest with his room given the fact of the badass armory closet similar to his idol idles near his soda machine. That, and when he discovers his room hides a secret lab for him to use, he's over the moon.
  "Oh my god!" Shadow Bird said as he goes over to the computer. Activating it with just the push of a button, he saw that it recognized him almost instantly. Starsis actually did it. He actually took his laptop and made it a gazillion times better. Shadow Bird's gone to detective heaven at this point. Ashley lights up the same way at the black walls and red ceiling that covered her carpeted room. She also lights up at the sight of the giant flat-screen TV in her room. Dear lord she's gonna have a fricking blast while playing her games. Aubrey raced over and unpacked everything while marveling at the sights around her. She even marvels at the fact that she, like the rest of the team, has her own bathroom inside her own room. Now that's one of the best things ever. Asori's best thing ever, however, starts when she sees a locket on the counter of her nightstand. Taking it in her hand, she's relieved her and Jerrod's appearance at that Japanese New Year festival picture wasn't there. She'll put another picture in there soon. Jayden is beyond happy regarding his room. It has it all. The items stated previous, a cardboard cutout poster of the Transformers Prime variation of Optimus Prime, his Naruto Shippuden Naruto Uzumaki action figure on the bookshelf next to the cutout, and a picture of one of the last good memories he had with Bella sat on the first shelf of the previously mentioned bookshelf. Suffice it to say Jayden's more than digging his room. They'll keep the house, but they meant it when they said they'll never have contact with the two brothers again.
  "So. What other cool stuff did you find, Aubrey?" Asori asked while walking down the stairs of their rooms they had next door.
  "Well, when I got to the first lower elevator floor, I found a swimming pool. Apparently, he and Evilkin must've really loved swimming." Aubrey then uses her fingers to count off the rooms she visited next.
  "The other rooms are also a banger. We got a gym. A movie and game room. A trophy hall for when we collect special tokens in our lives, and le- Hey!" Aubrey shouts in frustration. The three members eating pizza looked to see the two and casually slides Aubrey a box for herself. Aubrey then gorges herself in this delectable treat while the rest giggles at this act. Deciding to let her have her fun, the team continued eating their own pizza boxes. Although this day really had its downs, especially with this whole shitshow involving the two brothers, they'd won the day. Plain and simple.

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